Configuring Sakai from Outside the Web Application Tony Atkins <>
The Default State OOTB Hypersonic SQL (in memory) Database storage of binary content (except archives) No incoming mail No outgoing mail
The file Lives in TOMCAT_HOME/sakai Stores 250+ settings used by components and tools Follows the convention of a normal Java Properties file
Simple Properties getString A string including spaces but no carriage returns: stringProperty=a string including spaces Example in Sakai: server.url getBoolean TRUE or FALSE booleanProperty=TRUE Example in Sakai: auto.ddl
getStrings properties Anything from a simple list to a full hierarchy of properties can be represented: multiProperty.count=3 multiProperty.1=peas multiProperty.2=porridge multiProperty.3.count=3 multiProperty.3.1=hot multiProperty.3.2=cold multiProperty.3.3=in the pot, nine days old Example in Sakai: Terms
Customizing your file Start with reference/docs/ At a minimum, review and edit: Database settings Filesystem settings Branding Mail Settings Optionally review: Tool Settings
Database settings: Uncomment the appropriate block for your database Edit the username and password properties
FileSystem settings bodyPath@org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService The location in which binary content will be stored (also disables storing binary content in the database). storagePath@org.sakaiproject.archive.api.ArchiveService The location in which site archives will be stored. bodyVolumes@org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService A comma-delimited list of volumes between which binary content should be distributed siteQuota@org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService The maximum amount of content allowed for a single site (in Kb)
Branding ui.institution The name of your institution serverId The name of this node serverName Our service name serverUrl The full service URL
Mail Settings smtp.enabled Whether or not to enable incoming mail The server name that handles outgoing mail smtp.dns.1 The primary DNS server used to look up hosts found in mail. smtp.dns.2 The secondary DNS server used to look up hosts found in mail. smtp.port The port on which James will listen.
Tool Settings stealthTools@org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ActiveToolManager A list of tool Ids that should be hidden from end users. Provisional tools are hidden by default. hiddenTools@org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ActiveToolManager An additional list of tool Ids that should be hidden from end users. visibleTools@org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ActiveToolManager A list of tool Ids that should be visible to end users (overrides both of the above settings).
Config Viewer Tool what each option controls A contrib tool Written by Tony Atkins (with much advice from Aaron and Antranig). A compendium of 250+ configuration options with guidelines as to: what each option controls what syntax is expected for each option what tools depend on each option Demo Source
toolOrder.xml Secondary file that controls: Which tools can be selected for each type of site (overrides other settings) The order in which the tools can be selected for each type of site The tools that are checked by default for each type of site
Configuring toolOrder.xml Start with the defaults: component/component-api/component/src/config/org/sakaiproject/config/toolOrder.xml Copy to TOMCAT_HOME/sakai/toolOrder.xml