Surprisingly Stunning Super Summer Sunday Seminar Series Welcome
Learn something you did not know before! About the Bible About being a Christian About being a Presbyterian Christian Come as much as you can Don’t have to be here every Sunday GOAL
Why study the old testament? It was Jesus’ Bible and he quoted from it extensively. Examples Matthew 22:37 - He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ Quotes Deuteronomy 6:5 The goal of the summer seminars series is to introduce/review background information about the Bible. What the Bible is, the outline of the Old Testament, and the outline of the New Testament. We’ll do all that in June 10, 17, and 24. Then we’ll move into a little background of the Presbyterian Church. We’ll spend a couple of Sundays in July looking at how the Old and New Testament gave rise to the Presbyterian Church. On July 1 we’ll look at where the Presbyterian Church came from and where it is today. On July 8 we’ll explore the basic structure and essentials of the Presbyterian Church. The last half of July and in August we’re going to spend some time looking at what we call the “Great Ends of the Church.” There are six fundamental reasons why we Presbyterians believe that our church exists. We going to take one per Sunday and hear about each one, have some time to think and discuss them, and see how each one is relevant to what God is calling KirdWood to be and become.
Why study the old testament? More examples Matthew 22:38 - You shall love your neighbor as yourself Quotes Leviticus 19:18 The goal of the summer seminars series is to introduce/review background information about the Bible. What the Bible is, the outline of the Old Testament, and the outline of the New Testament. We’ll do all that in June 10, 17, and 24. Then we’ll move into a little background of the Presbyterian Church. We’ll spend a couple of Sundays in July looking at how the Old and New Testament gave rise to the Presbyterian Church. On July 1 we’ll look at where the Presbyterian Church came from and where it is today. On July 8 we’ll explore the basic structure and essentials of the Presbyterian Church. The last half of July and in August we’re going to spend some time looking at what we call the “Great Ends of the Church.” There are six fundamental reasons why we Presbyterians believe that our church exists. We going to take one per Sunday and hear about each one, have some time to think and discuss them, and see how each one is relevant to what God is calling KirdWood to be and become.
Why study the old testament? Jesus is intimately tied to the Old Testament Examples Matthew 1:1- 16 – The “Begots” Matthew 1:23 - “Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” Jesus’ birth is tied to the prophecy of Isaiah. The goal of the summer seminars series is to introduce/review background information about the Bible. What the Bible is, the outline of the Old Testament, and the outline of the New Testament. We’ll do all that in June 10, 17, and 24. Then we’ll move into a little background of the Presbyterian Church. We’ll spend a couple of Sundays in July looking at how the Old and New Testament gave rise to the Presbyterian Church. On July 1 we’ll look at where the Presbyterian Church came from and where it is today. On July 8 we’ll explore the basic structure and essentials of the Presbyterian Church. The last half of July and in August we’re going to spend some time looking at what we call the “Great Ends of the Church.” There are six fundamental reasons why we Presbyterians believe that our church exists. We going to take one per Sunday and hear about each one, have some time to think and discuss them, and see how each one is relevant to what God is calling KirdWood to be and become.
Why study the old testament? Jesus equated his ministry to the Old Testament Matthew 5:17 - “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Luke 24:44 - These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled. The goal of the summer seminars series is to introduce/review background information about the Bible. What the Bible is, the outline of the Old Testament, and the outline of the New Testament. We’ll do all that in June 10, 17, and 24. Then we’ll move into a little background of the Presbyterian Church. We’ll spend a couple of Sundays in July looking at how the Old and New Testament gave rise to the Presbyterian Church. On July 1 we’ll look at where the Presbyterian Church came from and where it is today. On July 8 we’ll explore the basic structure and essentials of the Presbyterian Church. The last half of July and in August we’re going to spend some time looking at what we call the “Great Ends of the Church.” There are six fundamental reasons why we Presbyterians believe that our church exists. We going to take one per Sunday and hear about each one, have some time to think and discuss them, and see how each one is relevant to what God is calling KirdWood to be and become.
Prehistory – Genesis 1 – 11 Creation, Fall, Flood, Nations Hinge Genesis 12:1-3 Abraham and Sarah were Blessed to be a blessing! The Patriarchs – Genesis 12 – 50 Abraham & Sarah Isaac & Rebekah Jacob, Rachel, Leah, Bilhah, &Zilpah
Moses and the Exodus Exodus 1 – 18 At Mount Sinai Exodus 19 – Numbers 10:10
In Moab East of the Jordan Wilderness Wondering Numbers 10:11 – Numbers 21 In Moab East of the Jordan Number 22 – Deuteronomy 34
The Conquest Joshua 1 - 24 Time of the Judges Judges 1 – Ruth 4 (Ruth takes places during the time of the Judges but was written later.)
The Rise and Reign of David Samuel and Saul 1 Samuel 1-15 The Rise and Reign of David 1 Samuel 16 – 2 Samuel 24
A Later Interpretation of King Solomon 1 Kings 1-11 The Divided Kingdom 1 Kings 12 – 2 Kings 25 A Later Interpretation of Samuel and Kings 1 & 2 Chronicles
The Exiles Return and Rebuild Ezra - Nehemiah Esther Saves the Jews Esther
A Man’s Struggle to Understand Job A Man’s Struggle to Understand Psalms Israel’s Prayer Book
Proverbs Advice from the Wise Ecclesiastes A Counter Point
The word of the Lord during the time recorded in 2 Kings 15 – 20 Song of Solomon A Love Poem Isaiah 1 - 39 The word of the Lord during the time recorded in 2 Kings 15 – 20
The word of the Lord during the time recorded in 2 Kings 22 – 25 Isaiah 40 - 66 After the Exile Jeremiah The word of the Lord during the time recorded in 2 Kings 22 – 25
Poetry about the devastation The visions of a prophet in exile Lamentations Poetry about the devastation of Jerusalem Ezekiel The visions of a prophet in exile
Stories of faithful Jews living Visions of a faithful Jew living Daniel 1 – 6 Stories of faithful Jews living in Babylon Daniel 6 – 12 Visions of a faithful Jew living in Babylon
Hosea – Contemporary of Isaiah Joel – A lament over Jerusalem Amos – 2 Kings 14 Obadiah – Edom and Israel Jonah – 2 Kings 14 Micah – 2 Kings 15 - 20
Nahum – The destruction of Nineveh Habakkuk – Prophet’s complaint, God’s reply Zephaniah – 2 Kings 22 - 23 Haggai – In the second year of Darius month 6 Zechariah – The second year of Darius month 8 Malachi – The messenger (angel)
B ethlehem B irth
N azareth C arpenter
J ordan R iver
B aptized BY J ohn
W ilderness
T empted BY S atan
J erusalem S econd irth B
S amaria W oman AT THE W ell
N azareth R ejected
S election Of The T welve
S ermon On The M ount
P ower From S atan
P arables S tart
A S torm S tilled
A C rowd F illed
T estimony of P eter
T ransfiguation
JUDEA AND PEREA Ministry to Disciples
J UDEA S tones F lew J esus W ithdrew
P EREA C ounting the C ost S eeking the L ost
J UDEA L azarus R aised Z acchaeus P raised
J ERUSALEM T riumphal E ntry T emple C leansing L ast S upper
P rayed B etrayed T ried D enied
C rucified
R esurrected
A scends S pirit C hurch E mbezzlement N ight Release D eacons S tephen
P ersecution
P hilip’s P reaching P aul’s C onversion P eter’s V ision
G alatia Timothy’s Home
J erusalem C ouncil L aw No Conference on Circumcision
M acedonia _____ A chaia _____ ______ The unknown God G reece
A sia More blessed to give than to receive
TRIALS: F elix F estus A grippa
SECOND ROMAN IMPRISONMENT xpansion of the C hurch