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The Scheme for Igneous Rock Identification Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks in a laboratory setting using their Earth Science Reference Tables and their knowledge of igneous rocks.
A Brief Tour
Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks Grain Size Crystal size Description OF TEXTURE Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Igneous rocks have “Intergrown Crystals” Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Intergrown Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Intergrown Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Intergrown Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Not Intergrown Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Outside the volcano: Extrusive Inside the Earth: Intrusive Where it was formed Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Bubbles? Yes= Vesicular Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Bubbles? No=Non-vesicular Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Neither Light nor Dark Very Light Color NotVery Light Not Very Dark Very Dark Light Dark Darkest Lightest Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Medium Density Very Light Density Light Dense Very Dense Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Felsic Mafic Intermediate
Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks Finding The Minerals Identify the rock. Unless you have other information, work in the middle of the rock’s box. Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks This is the amount of Potassium Feldspar in the rock. Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
This is the amount of Quartz in the rock. Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks This is the amount of Plagioclase Feldspar in the rock. Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks Use tick marks on a scrap paper to measure the percentage. Potassium Feldspar 25% Quartz 40% Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks Name a light-colored, fine-grained rock with no bubbles. Practice: Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Name a coarse-grained, dense rock. Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks Name a very light-colored, glassy, extrusive rock with bubbles. Learning Target: students will identify seven igneous rocks
Name a rock that has biotite mica in it, is an intermediate rock, is fine grained and non-vesicular.