Epinephrine is the treatment of choice for allergic reactions…… JB/4/3/17
Epinephrine………. It quickly constricts blood vessels, raising blood pressure It relaxes smooth muscles in the lungs to improve breathing JB/4/3/17
Epinephrine continued….. It stimulates the heartbeat It works to reverse the hives and swelling around the face and lips JB/4/3/17
Right medication and right dose Epinephrine is available in an auto injector called an EpiPen An Epipen comes in TWO different doses: EpiPen 0.3mg (over approx. 66 lbs.) EpiPen Jr 0.15mg (under approx. 66lbs) JB/4/3/17
Right route and right time The EpiPen is administered into the large outer thigh muscle at a 90 degree angle Based on students presents symptoms and individual healthcare plan Mouth- itching and swelling of lips, tongue, mouth Throat- Itching, sense of tightness in the throat, hoarseness, and/or hacking cough Skin- Hives, itchy, rash, and/or swelling about the face or extremities. GI-Nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and/or diarrhea Lung - Shortness of breath, repetitive coughing and/or wheezing Heart- “thread” pulse, “passing out” JB/4/3/17
Steps in EpiPen administration….. Call for HELP!!!! CALL 911 BREATHE……. Call 911 and students parents Have the student sit down and cradle their legs in between your legs . Remove blue safety release by pulling straight up without bending or twisting. Swing and firmly push orange tip against outer thigh so it “clicks” at an 90 degree angle and hold on thigh approx. 10 seconds to deliver drug. EpiPen Auto injector can only be used ONCE EpiPen Storage Avoid extremes in temperature and light Do not keep in a car EpiPen’s should not be stored in the refrigerator Nurse will inspect Epi Pen daily Do not use if EpiPen is BROWN JB/4/3/17
EpiPen Side Effects Palpitations Increased heart rate Sweating Dizziness Jitters Anxiety JB/4/3/17
What about field trips? Before the field trip the school nurse is available for any questions or concerns. You should also be review the students individual health care plan. You also need to review the EpiPen material and pass the Epipen post test online (Socrative) and demonstrate competency by being evaluated on the Epipen trainer by your school nurse Training is good for one school year only and must be repeated ANNUALLY to remain current You can meet with the student and make them aware that you have and will be carrying his/her EpiPen and will be readily available. You must have telephone access to call 911 at all times while off school property with students. JB/4/3/17