Dr Ghazi Yehia Regional Representative for the Middle East Report on activities of the OIE Regional Representation for the Middle East: 2016- 2017 2 October 2017 (Istanbul Turkey)
Global vision Protecting animals Preserving our future Economic prosperity, social and environmental welfare of populations 2020 Protecting animals Preserving our future Delivering timely, high quality information and services to allow the management of risks to terrestrial and aquatic animal health and welfare minimise associated dangers to human health protect the environment and biodiversity in a “One Health” approach
Agenda Objectives Working Plan 2016- 2017 Timetable Regional strategies Information and communication
Objectives of the RR ME Reinforce VS capabilities to comply with OIE standards and control animal diseases (TADs…) ; Harmonize the national regulations for the trade of animals and animal products; Improve animal diseases information system; Strengthen collaboration with regional and international organisations; Support meetings, missions, and twinnings on regional animal and public health’s issues Support the establishment in ME of regional reference laboratories Through mobilising the OIE expertise 252 reference laboratories 49 collaborating centers & promoting the international standards Terrestrial & Aquatic Codes Terrestrial & Aquatic Manuals of diagnostic To support the Regional Commission for the ME the Member Countries in the ME
Regional Challenges Political Instability (Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen) Direct regional impact: hampered sanitary governance in affected countries and higher risk of TADs regionally; Indirect: less regional coordination / dialogue due to reduced participation to regional and international meetings Camel diseases: ADFCA Center / CAMENET Emerging diseases / MERS-CoV (One Health) Zoonotic diseases / RVF (El Nino impact) Regional strategies: GF TADS (FMD, PPR), Rabies and Animal Welfare
Working Plan 2016-2017
Working Plan 2016-2017 Goal 1: Securing Animal Health& Welfare by appropriate risk management Objective 1.1: Supporting the OIE’s Mandate on international standards. Activity 1.1.1: Seminar on implementation of international standards. Dubai April 2017. Activity 1.1.2: Regional conf. ‘Towards the Application of the OIE standards on Zoning’ (Amman, Jordan) 2016. Activity 1.1.3: Translation to Arabic of OIE codes Objective 1.2:Supporting the OIE’s Mandate on official Disease status recognition Activity 1.2.1: Translation to Arabic of chapter procedures Activity 1.2.2: Support countries on preparation of specific dossiers (AHS) Objective 1.3: Enhancing the participation to the work of the General Assembly Activity 1.3.1: Regional workshop on “Participation to the OIE activities” (Abu Dhabi) Activity 1.3.2: Forwarding draft doc preparing the OIE general session and harmonization of the ME views
Working Plan 2016-2017 Goal 2: Establishing Trust through Transparency and communication. Objective 2.1: Support the OIE’s Mandate on Disease Transparency and Reporting Activity 2.1.1: Promote the renovation of WAHIS Activity 2.1.2: Promote WAHIS at VEE. Activity 2.1.3:: WAHIS (Advanced) Regional updating seminar with Africa EN (Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt) 2016 Activity 2.1.4: Encourage Countries to notify outbreaks Activity 2.1.5: Regular check of countries zoosanitary status Objective 2.2: Supporting Animal Health Communication Activity 2.2.1: Animate collection, production, dissemination of OIE communication products. Activity 2.2.2: Animate regional Communication FP network Activity 2.2.3: Ensure the consistency of OIE image and visibility
Goal 3: Ensuring the Capacity & Sustainability of the VS. Working Plan 2016-2017 Goal 3: Ensuring the Capacity & Sustainability of the VS. Objective 3.1: Evaluation of the Vet. Services to comply with OIE standards Activity 3.1.1: PVS Pathway: PVS (follow-up) in KSA, UAE, Jordan, Lebanon Activity 3.1.2: Twinning like project on strengthening veterinary services between Italy (IZS) and Lebanon (MoA/DAR) Activity 3.1.3: Contribute to OIE PVS “Think Tank” forum Activity 3.1.4: Advocate request of PVS pathway missions (Jordan, UAE, KSA) Objective 3.2: Assistance in diagnostic capabilities Activity 3.2.1: Twinning between RSA (OVI) and France (Institut Pasteur) with Yemen (CVL) on RVF. Pending. Activity 3.2.2: Twinning between Jordan (JOVAC) and France (CIRAD) on PPR and CCPP. Activity 3.2.3: Project of twinning on aquatic diseases: KSA/USA Objective 3.3: OIE dossiers support Activity 3.3.1: Disease status and endorsement of control programme recognition training (Cairo Egypt) 2016
Working Plan 2016-2017 Goal 3: Ensuring the Capacity & Sustainability of the VS. Objective 3.4: Training of regional veterinary services staff to improve level of advancement in their national activities Activity 3.4.1: Seminar with Focal Points on Animal Welfare (Amman, Jordan) 2016. Activity 3.4.2: Seminar with Focal Points on Wildlife, with Africa (Aberdare / Nakuru, Kenya)2016. Activity 3.4.3: Seminar with Focal Points on Veterinary Medicinal Products. (Beirut Nov.2017) Activity 3.4.4: WAHIS (Advanced) Regional updating seminar with Africa EN (Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt) 2016. Objective 3.2:Encouraging Veterinary education _______________________ Objective 3.3: Information of newly nominated delegates on the OIE procedures Activity 2.2.1: Twinnings (Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, UAE). Participation in Vet education seminars _________________________________________________ Activity 2.3.1: New delegates seminar, May 2016/2017 (Paris, France)
Goal 4:Assistance in regional concerns Working Plan 2016-2017 Goal 4:Assistance in regional concerns Objective 4.1: Camels Activity 4.1.1: Establishment of a camel laboratory center & network (CAMENET). Twinning ADFCA-UAE/ IZSs-Italy. Activity 4.1.2: Sub-regional conf. on camel diseases in AD, UAE Activity 4.1.3: Missions & conference on MERS-CoV in GCC countries Objective 4.2: Equines Activity 4.2.1: Follow-up on of HHP concept (Syria, Iraq) Activity 4.2.2: Follow up of AHS status recognition (Lebanon, Syria, KSA) Objective 4.3: Animal welfare Activity 4.3.1: Global Animal Welfare conference, Guadalajara. Activity 4.3.2: Adoption of a ME AW Action Plan Activity 4.3.2: Implementation of the action plan towards the 4 priorities (transport by sea/land, stray dogs control, slaughter)
Goal 5: Cross-cutting Area Working Plan 2016-2017 Goal 5: Cross-cutting Area Objective 5.1: Scientific Excellence Activity 5.1.1: Permanent relationship + tripartite partner Ois Activity 5.1.2: WHO Assessments on implementation of IHR in ME (Cairo, Doha, Beirut, Amman) Objective 5.2: One Health concept cooperation Activity 5.2.1: Antimicrobial resistance : AMR regional steering committee meetings, (Inter-countries meeting) Activity 5.2.2: MERS-CoV follow-up missions and conferences with Gulf Countries. Geneva Sept.2017 Activity 5.2.3: Identification of experts/networks for VBD Objective 5.3: Cooperation with FAO on TADs Activity 5.3.1: FMD/PPR PCP roadmap meetings in Amman. Activity 5.3.2: GF TAD RSC meeting in Paris Activity 5.3.3: GF TAD Camel diseases Abu Dhabi 2016
Goal 5: Cross-cutting Area Working Plan 2016-2017 Goal 5: Cross-cutting Area Objective 5.4: Diversity, Inclusiveness, Engagement, Transparency. Activity 5.4.1: Countries suggestions on candidates for OIE Ad hoc Groups. Activity 5.4.2: Assist in identification of regional experts Objective 5.5: Governance and Resourcing Activity 5.5.1: Roles of the Regional commission bureau members ( steering actors in Advisory groups). Activity 5.5.2: Technical support to the President Activity 5.5.3: Sharing of programs on regional activities Objective 5.6: Liaison with other RR/SRR offices and host country. Activity 5.6.1: strong coordination and communication (SRR Tunis, SRR East Africa, SRR Brussels. Activity 5.6.2: Joint seminars and meetings. Activity 5.6.3: Liaison with Host country administration
Goal 6: Human, physical and financial resourcing Working Plan 2016-2017 Goal 6: Human, physical and financial resourcing Objective 6.1: Improvement of the team work to optimize results Activity 6.1.1: Advocacy related to physical and financial resourcing Activity 6.1.2: Upgrading of the IT network Activity 6.1.3: Communication improvement (website, information dissemination to the delegates and focal points…) Activity 6.1.4: Communicate with delegate and decision makers to rise contribution. Activity 6.1.5: Undertake mapping of potential beneficiary stakeholders
Regional strategies
Provisional Roadmap (TBC) FMD PCP Regional Advisory Group meeting (Doha, Dec 2015) Provisional baseline Stages Provisional Roadmap (TBC) Country 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Bahrain 1 2 2* 3 4 Egypt Iraq Jordan Palestine1 Kuwait 3* 5 Lebanon Oman1 Qatar SaudiArabia Syria1 UAE Yemen1 1*
Regional Advisory Group meeting (Doha, Dec 2015) PPR PCP Regional Advisory Group meeting (Doha, Dec 2015) Provisional baseline Stages Provisional Roadmap 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Bahrain 2 3 4 KSA Kuwait Oman N.A Qatar 1 UAE Iraq Jordan Lebanon Palestine Syria Yemen Egypt
Middle East Regional AW strategy’s Action Plan Animal Welfare Middle East Regional AW strategy’s Action Plan NB: Activity 1.1: advocating document to raise funds for implementation
Information & communication
مطبوعات منظمة الصحة الحيوانية (OIE) Translated documents مطبوعات منظمة الصحة الحيوانية (OIE) للعام 2013 إضغط هنا الفهرس النشرات الدورية Periodicals المعايير الدولية 03 International Standards 12 Periodicals مجلات أخرى 26 Other periodicals الدراسات الفنية 29 Technical series أبحاث ذات الموضوع الواحد 33 Thematic Publications دراسات 44 Proceedings مقالات قيد التحضير 63 Forthcoming titles الأسعار والتوزيع والشراء 65-79 List and prices
Website – English/Arabic http://www.rr-middleeast.oie.int
شــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــكراً Dr. Ghazi Yehia Regional Representative for the Middle East g.yehia@oie.int Regional Representation for the Middle East 18 Damascus St., Ministry of Agriculture bldg Furn El Chebbak, Beirut P.O. Box 268 Hazmieh - Lebanon T: +961 1 280 869 www.rr-middleeast.oie.int