Planning and Regeneration in Hertfordshire Mark Gaynor Corporate Director Housing and Regeneration 23 April 2012
Planning and Regeneration in Hertfordshire Economic, policy and political context What’s happening to planning? The Housing world Hertfordshire challenges and response How can we make regeneration work? Maylands as a case study What next?
Economic, Policy and political context Economy
Economic, Policy and political context
Economic, policy and political context
Planning National Planning Policy Framework Presumption in favour of sustainable development Danger of out of date plans Importance of evidence Neighbourhood Plans Community Infrastructure Levy
Neighbourhood Planning Must conform to Local Strategic Plan – cannot reduce growth Prepared by Town and Parish Councils and other neighbourhood groups District Council has a duty to support Subject to local referendum – 50% support If so Local Planning Authority is compelled to adopt as planning policy Government’s Neighbourhood Planning Front Runners Evidence to date is that they are not all NIMBY
Housing How can the market be stimulated? Affordable Rent Model Welfare reform uncertainty Position of lenders going forward Role of incentives –New Homes Bonus Capacity and role of HCA HRA self financing
HRA Self-financing Dacorum Borough Council took on £354M debt at an average 3.27% interest HRA Business Plan allows Decent Homes plus £250M investment over 10 years New Build programme 15-30 per year and on HCA programme Remodelling and resource efficiency works Estate improvements Opportunity for meaningful investment in regeneration and in communities
Hertfordshire challenges and response Underperforming economy/huge potential Mixed view on appetite for growth with particular reluctance for housing growth Many Council’s some time from concluding their Core Strategy and Local Plan Reduction in capacity and resources for regeneration Herts Local Enterprise Partnership Influence of Housing Collaboration between Planning and Housing
Making regeneration work Clarity and certainty over policy and commitment Make it more likely that the private sector be interested – overtly pro business Council to provide the leadership and facilitation Flexible use of resources Joint Venture/LABV New approaches to infrastructure and enabling – TIF, NNDR flexibility, Growing Places Fund etc.
Dacorum Borough Council response Clear prioritised delivery plan Accelerated new homes delivery Ensure capacity and intelligence in place Strong Partnerships Use of all available resources and powers
Dacorum Borough Council response Add certainty and clarity to potential investors/developers Business friendly planning Preparedness to relax through LDOs and appropriate policy changes Own land/own investment Work in partnership
Maylands Business Park Maylands potential Buncefield & the response The Enterprise Zone bid Links with the GPF
Driving Forward Clear plans already in place DBC resourcing Strong partnerships Helping to build on our clear locational strengths Flexing our policies
Growing Places Fund Spencer’s Park – Phase 1 infrastructure for development – Bid £1m 375 New Homes to be built by 2015. Shovel ready & due to go to market May 2012. New access and key road
Spencer’s Park – Phase 2 Masterplanning for Phase 2 to allow early development of second phase – Bid £0.5m 600 New Homes to be built by 2018. Will facilitate delivery of the Hemel North East Relief Road to better serve Maylands
Maylands Gateway – Site 1 Planning policy change to include new housing New access and key infrastructure for development Site in single ownership - HCA 250 New Jobs. 200 New homes by 2018 Work commencing late 2013
Maylands Gateway – Site 2 Policy change to meet market demand New access and key infrastructure- Bid to Growing Places Fund £2m Site in single ownership - DBC 1000 New Jobs. Work commencing 2013
Heart of Maylands Project to give Maylands a vibrant mixed use scheme at its Heart. Site Assembly needed 225 New Homes 250 New Jobs Site Assembly commencing 2013
Outputs Summary 5 Sites 1750 New Jobs 1400 New Homes 250 Construction Jobs £550 million of private investment
What should be done? Local authorities Housing Associations Developers LSPs Local Enterprise Partnership HCA CLG Collaborative action/intelligence sharing Lobbying/selling Herts