Warmup: Find the missing measures. Write all radicals in simplest form.
12-1 Trig Functions in Right Triangles Find values of trig functions for acute angles. Find side lengths and angle measures of right triangles.
A trig ratio compares side lengths of a right triangle A trig ratio compares side lengths of a right triangle. A trig function has a rule that includes a trig ratio. Greek letters are a mathematically mature notation for angles, especially in acute angles. The hypotenuse, leg opposite , and leg adjacent to are used to define six trig ratios.
Orient yourself – find angle, locate hyp, opp and adj. (from that angle!!!) Always write ratios as fractions, reduce if possible, and write in simplified radical form if necessary.
In a right triangle, A is acute In a right triangle, A is acute. Find the values of the five remaining functions.
You have a mode menu to change from degree to radian mode, or from radian to degree. Make sure you have in the correct form! (It only switches if YOU switch it, so turning off calculator doesn’t switch it.) Use a trig function to find the value of x. Round to the nearest tenth.
There are some geometry conventions you need to be reminded of There are some geometry conventions you need to be reminded of. Capital letters are used for vertices, so it can be also thought of as the measure of an angle. Lower case letters are used as side lengths or to name sides. A B C
You can find angle measure by using the inverse of sine, cosine or tangent. If you know an angle you can use trig to find a ratio of sides. If you know a ratio of sides, you can use inverse trig functions to give you the angle that had that ratio.
Find the value of x. Round to the nearest tenth.
Angle of depression: the amount of angle you have to look down measured from the horizontal (parallel to the ground). Angle of depression Angle of elevation Angle of elevation: the amount of angle you have to look up measured from the horizontal (ground).
35. Adult flying squirrels can make glides of up to 160 feet 35. Adult flying squirrels can make glides of up to 160 feet. If a flying squirrel glides a horizontal distance of 160 feet and the angle of descent is 9, find its change in height.