Year 7 descriptive writing
Improve these boring sentences! Belle was beautiful Gaston stomped down the street Belle looked up at the castle The rose petals fell The castle was freezing The beast roared You should: Try to use figurative language (a simile, metaphor, personification.) You could use the senses to create a vivid description Challenge: Can you show not tell?
Does anyone know the basic plot of Beauty and the Beast? A selfish young prince turns an old beggar woman away when she offers him a rose in exchange for shelter for the night. He wrongly judged by appearances because he only cares about beauty. She is actually a beautiful enchantress and turns him into a beast. Flash forward nine years and a bit. In a nearby village, the beautiful Belle doesn’t want to marry local "hero," Gaston and is generally bored with village life. He father Maurice gets lost and ends up at the beast’s castle who locks him up for trespassing. Belle agrees to take her father’s place in prison and gradually over time Belle and the Beast (the prince) fall in love and the spell is broken.
Describe the beast Outside your outline describe the way he looks (his eyes, mouth, horns) Inside the outline you should describe his inner thoughts (how he must feel now he’s ugly and cursed)
Reading the extract Write a PEA about how Belle feels and what she learns What do you think the moral of the story is? Challenge: Look up any words which you don’t understand and create a mini glossary! Remember: P)oint E)vidence A)nalysis
It’s time to confess! Either: Write a diary entry from the beast’s perspective (now a prince) sharing what you’ve learnt You should aim to use the senses, and use at least one simile or metaphor OR Write a gossip column or blog in which you confess all from the perspective of Belle You should aim to use the senses, and use at least one simile or metaphor