Technologies and type examination Requirements for Switzerland Walter Fasel
Technologies for speed measurement Regulation about type examination Agenda Technologies for speed measurement Regulation about type examination METAS 13.11.2018
Technologies for speed measurement
Measuring system “RADAR” Measure the speed by detecting a change in frequency of the returned radar signal caused by the Doppler effect.
Measuring system “LIDAR” (Laser) Measure the speed on the principle of time-of-flight of a number of send out laser pulses over the span of time.
Measuring system “Laser Scanner” The measurement is based on the laser principle. The contours of the vehicles, its movement and the speed are calculated from the sequences of pulses received de lumière sur 180°
Measuring system “piezo” Measure the speed on the piezoelectric effect when a vehicle is crossing 3 or more sensors installed on the road.
Measuring system “inductive loops” Measure the speed by detecting a change in frequency when a vehicle is crossing the loops. The inductive loop functions as a part of an resonant circuit.
Measuring system “light barrier” Measure the speed by detecting a change in light when a vehicle is passing in front of the speed system.
Measuring system “laser barrier” The measurement is based on the space / time principle. Two laser beams placed at right angles the traffic direction are being interrupted by vehicles passing.
Measuring system “Section Control» (Speed Camera) The speed value can be calculated by dividing the distance between the two ports and the time taken to travel between of these [average speed].
Measuring system “Tracking Tachograph” The speed of a monitored vehicle is not directly determined. The tracking tachograph records the police vehicle’s own speed. After tracking a vehicle over a specified distance, the average speed can be attributed to the vehicle committing the violation.
Regulation about type examination METAS 13.11.2018
Regulation about type examination OIML Recommendations R91, D11, D31 European law / EU Directives (WELMEC) Swiss law / Ordinances Technical directives for the practical application by the police METAS 13.11.2018
Recommendation OIML R91 Important limits: radar antenna Radar equipment for the measurement of the speed of vehicles Important limits: radar antenna Attenuation of the side loops > 15 dB Main loop width of less than 12° Micro-wave frequency stability better than 0.2 % Aiming device: Relative error of measurement to misalignment not greater than +/- 0.5 % METAS 13.11.2018
Recommendation OIML R91 Important limits: speed measurement value Radar equipment for the measurement of the speed of vehicles Important limits: speed measurement value Confidence level better than 99.8 % Single value error < + 3km/h (or + 3 % at speeds above 100 km/h) Average error of all results shall be within +/- 1 km/h METAS 13.11.2018
Recommendation OIML R91 How to check this requirements? Which composition of traffic (motorcycle, car ,trucks ? Measurement direction / incoming or outgoing or both ? Range of measurement ? Traffic condition with accelerating and breaking vehicles ? METAS 13.11.2018
Recommendation OIML R91 How to check this requirements? METAS 13.11.2018
Recommendation OIML R91 How to check this requirements? METAS 13.11.2018
Recommendation OIML R91 How to check this requirements? METAS 13.11.2018
Recommendation OIML R91 How to check this requirements? METAS 13.11.2018
Recommendation OIML R91 How to check this requirements? METAS 13.11.2018
Recommendation OIML D11 Climatic checks (Temperature, humidity? Dry Heat (static) Cold (static) Damp heat, steady state (non condensing) Damp cyclic (condensing) Impacting water (splashing test) ?? METAS 13.11.2018
Recommendation OIML D11 Climatic checks (Temperature, humidity? METAS 13.11.2018
Recommendation OIML D11 Performance test? Vibration (random and sinusoidal) Mechanical shock Mechanical construction METAS 13.11.2018
Software Guide (WELMEC 7.2) Measuring Instruments Directive Basic requirements for embedded Software in a build- for purpose measuring instrument. Basic requirements for Software of measuring instruments using a universal computer. Storage of measurement data Transmission of measurement data via a communication network Software identification METAS 13.11.2018
Swiss / Directive for Wireless access Directive for wireless access on measurement systems based on the IEEE 802.1x standard SecurID token METAS 13.11.2018
Laser security (IEC 60825-x) Safety of Laser Products Only Laser class 1 or 2 should be used for surveillance measurement! Parameters of typical Laser speed instruments: Single pulse energy: 300 to 900 nJ Pulse width: 5 to 50 ns Pulse repetition frequency: 100 Hz – 25 kHz METAS 13.11.2018
EMC Tests OIML D11 + additional conditions Overview immunity requirements for Traffic METAS 13.11.2018
EMC Tests OIML D11 + additional conditions Additional for Switzerland for RF-Fields test METAS 13.11.2018
Swiss / Second independent method Directive of the use of enforcement systems A) - Measuring system with additional pictorial documentation (e.g. photo, video, etc.). - Maximum allowed difference in measuring result < 10 km/h or 10 %. - For the enforcement the value obtained from the measurement system is relevant! or B) - Two independent measuring systems (which may be equal) - Maximum allowed difference in measuring result < 1 % - For the enforcement only the smaller value is relevant! METAS 13.11.2018
Swiss / Second independent method Why? METAS 13.11.2018
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