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Another Presentation © 2001 - All rights Reserved Mark E. Damon markedamon@hotmail.com
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Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2
People 1 WWI Terms Places Postwar Period Misc 1 Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
German foreign minister who attempted to bring Mexico into the war. $100 German foreign minister who attempted to bring Mexico into the war.
Who is Arthur Zimmermann? $100 Who is Arthur Zimmermann? Scores
Military commander who led U.S. forces during WWI. $200 Military commander who led U.S. forces during WWI.
Who is General John J. Pershing? $200 Who is General John J. Pershing? Scores
$300 Wilson’s main opponent in the ratification battle over the Treaty of Versailles.
Who is Henry Cabot Lodge? $300 Who is Henry Cabot Lodge? Scores
$400 U.S. Attorney General who ordered the arrests of thousands of suspected radicals in 1920.
Who is A. Mitchell Palmer? $400 Who is A. Mitchell Palmer? Scores
Leader of the Woman’s Peace Party. $500 Leader of the Woman’s Peace Party.
Who is Carrie Chapman Catt? $500 Who is Carrie Chapman Catt? Scores
Name of the bonds sold to the public to pay for the war. $100 Name of the bonds sold to the public to pay for the war.
$100 What are Liberty Bonds? Scores
$200 Government agency that orchestrated the propaganda campaign during WWI.
What is the Committee on Public Information? $200 What is the Committee on Public Information? Scores
British passenger liner sunk by a German u-boat in May 1915. $300 British passenger liner sunk by a German u-boat in May 1915.
$300 What is the Lusitania? Scores
Daily Double
$400 This government agency coordinated the government purchases of military supplies.
What is the War Industries Board? $400 What is the War Industries Board? Scores
$500 Battle where U.S. forces and the French repelled a German offensive that threatened Paris.
What is Chateau-Thierry? $500 What is Chateau-Thierry? Scores
$100 Permanent international organization created after WWI to oversee world affairs.
What is the League of Nations? $100 What is the League of Nations? Scores
$200 Term used to represent the major Allied countries that participated in the Paris Peace Conference.
$200 What is the Big Four? Scores
$300 Name for the movement of thousands of African Americans from the South to northern industrial cities.
What is the Great Migration? $300 What is the Great Migration? Scores
This prewar alliance united Britain, France, & Russia. $400 This prewar alliance united Britain, France, & Russia.
What is the Triple Entente? $400 What is the Triple Entente? Scores
$500 Name of a violent encounter between striking coal miners and the state militia in Colorado in 1914.
What is the Ludlow Massacre? $500 What is the Ludlow Massacre? Scores
Neutral country invaded by Germany in August 1914. $100 Neutral country invaded by Germany in August 1914.
$100 What is Belgium? Scores
Country that underwent a political revolution in March 1917. $200 Country that underwent a political revolution in March 1917.
$200 What is Russia? Scores
New nation created after WWI. $300 New nation created after WWI.
$300 What is Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Lativia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, etc.? Scores
Site of 1920 bombing which killed about 40 people. $400 Site of 1920 bombing which killed about 40 people.
What is Wall Street in New York? $400 What is Wall Street in New York? Scores
$500 U.S. Forces used more ammunition in this 7 week battle than in the entire Civil War.
What is the Meuse-Argonne? $500 What is the Meuse-Argonne? Scores
Wilson’s plan for the post war world. $100 Wilson’s plan for the post war world.
What is the Fourteen Points? $100 What is the Fourteen Points? Scores
Winner of the 1920 presidential election. $200 Winner of the 1920 presidential election.
$200 Who is Warren J. Harding? Scores
Period of anti-communist hysteria in the U.S. after WWI. $300 Period of anti-communist hysteria in the U.S. after WWI.
$300 What is the Red Scare? Scores
Organization created in 1919 to promote the spread of communism. $400 Organization created in 1919 to promote the spread of communism.
What is Communist International? $400 What is Communist International? Scores
$500 Black nationalist leader who urged supporters to leave the U.S. and return to Africa.
$500 Who is Marcus Garvey? Scores
Name of treaty that ended WWI. $100 Name of treaty that ended WWI.
What is the Treaty of Versailles? $100 What is the Treaty of Versailles? Scores
Law that added 3 million more men to the army. $200 Law that added 3 million more men to the army.
What is the Selective Service Act? $200 What is the Selective Service Act? Scores
$300 This prewar alliance united Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Italy.
What is the Triple Alliance? $300 What is the Triple Alliance? Scores
Number of U.S. causalities from WWI. $400 Number of U.S. causalities from WWI.
$400 What is 112,000? Scores
Citizen group formed to combat disloyalty during the war. $500 Citizen group formed to combat disloyalty during the war.
What is the American Protective League? $500 What is the American Protective League? Scores
Numbers Cities People 2 Misc 2 Misc 3 More WWI Round 1 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Scores $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
The year the U.S. declared war on Germany. $200 The year the U.S. declared war on Germany.
$200 What is 1917? Scores
$400 WWI ended on this date.
$400 What is November 11, 1918? Scores
Number of women who worked in industrial jobs during the war. $600 Number of women who worked in industrial jobs during the war.
$600 What is 1 million? Scores
$800 The number of African Americans who enlisted or were drafted into the army or navy during WWI.
$800 What is 400,000? Scores
The number of people jailed for criticizing the government in 1918. $1000 The number of people jailed for criticizing the government in 1918.
$1000 What is 1500? Scores
Site of peace conference after WWI. $200 Site of peace conference after WWI.
$200 What is Paris? Scores
Daily Double
The site of the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. $400 The site of the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
$400 What is Sarajevo? Scores
Site of a race riot in July 1917 where 40 African Americans died. $600 Site of a race riot in July 1917 where 40 African Americans died.
$600 What is East St. Louis? Scores
Site of a race riot in 1919 where 38 people died and 537 were injured. $800 Site of a race riot in 1919 where 38 people died and 537 were injured.
$800 What is Chicago? Scores
$1000 Site of a 1919 police strike.
$1000 What is Boston? Scores
$200 This heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was assassinated on June 28, 1914.
Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand? $200 Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand? Scores
Head of the Committee on Public Information. $400 Head of the Committee on Public Information.
$400 Who is George Creel? Scores
$600 Italian immigrants convicted and executed for the murder of a paymaster and guard in Massachusetts whose case got international attention.
Who are Sacco & Vanzetti? $600 Who are Sacco & Vanzetti? Scores
Head of the War Industries Board. $800 Head of the War Industries Board.
$800 Who is Bernard Baruch? Scores
British leader who participated in peace negotiations. $1000 British leader who participated in peace negotiations.
$1000 Who is Lloyd George? Scores
This foreign language was not taught in schools during the war. $200 This foreign language was not taught in schools during the war.
$200 What is German? Scores
$400 This government agency was created to resolve labor disputes during the war.
What is the National War Labor Board? $400 What is the National War Labor Board? Scores
Daily Double
Name of the U.S. military force that fought in WWI. $600 Name of the U.S. military force that fought in WWI.
What is the American Expeditionary Force? $600 What is the American Expeditionary Force? Scores
$800 This 1917 law allowed the post office to ban seditious material from the mail.
What is the Espionage Act? $800 What is the Espionage Act? Scores
Unarmed French steamer attacked by a German u-boat in 1916. $1000 Unarmed French steamer attacked by a German u-boat in 1916.
$1000 What is the Sussex? Scores
Leader of the Bolshevik Revolution who became the leader of Russia. $200 Leader of the Bolshevik Revolution who became the leader of Russia.
$200 Who is V.I. Lenin? Scores
French representative who was part of the Big Four. $400 French representative who was part of the Big Four.
Who is Georges Clemenceau? $400 Who is Georges Clemenceau? Scores
The German response to the British blockade. $600 The German response to the British blockade.
$600 What is the u-boat? Scores
$800 These payments for war damages were one of the most controversial parts of the Treaty of Versailles.
$800 What are reparations? Scores
$1000 These laws expanded the meaning of the Espionage Act to make illegal any public expression of opposition to the war.
What is the Sedition and Sabotage Acts? $1000 What is the Sedition and Sabotage Acts? Scores
The United States joined this side during WWI. $200 The United States joined this side during WWI.
What is the Allied Powers? $200 What is the Allied Powers? Scores
These countries made up the Central Powers. $400 These countries made up the Central Powers.
What is Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, & Bulgaria? $400 What is Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, & Bulgaria? Scores
These were the causes of WWI. $600 These were the causes of WWI.
$600 What is militarism, imperialism, nationalism, and the system of alliances? Scores
$800 The U.S. paid for most of the cost of fighting WWI through this method.
What is selling Liberty Bonds? $800 What is selling Liberty Bonds? Scores
He was the Italian representative in the Big Four. $1000 He was the Italian representative in the Big Four.
Who is Vittorino Orlando? $1000 Who is Vittorino Orlando? Scores
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