2018 Pavement Workshop May 23-24, 2018 Preventative Maintenance Team Short Term Research Projects Joe Korzilius Senior Associate SRF Consulting Group, Inc + 46 Associate Members
Surface characteristics of diamond ground PCC Surfaces Tech Transfer #1A Surface characteristics of diamond ground PCC Surfaces
Project Objective Project Goal Determine the change in surface characteristics of diamond ground textures for both new and existing pavements. Review the process and produced surface characteristics of various diamond ground textures for both new and existing pavements; Ride, Noise, Friction, .…. ? Project Goal To explore the state of practice of diamond grinding PCC surfaces and the benefits Some questions to explore: At what point is diamond grinding best applied or required Is there a particular depth that is required in order to obtain a certain level of benefit What kind of improvements in ride, noise and friction are being obtained Does diamond grinding expose the aggregates to early polishing and environmental effects that accelerate materials related distresses (D-cracking and ASR)
Project Tasks Develop Before and After Texture Performance Identify Textures for Evaluation Develop Before and After Texture Performance Curves Investigate the use of Grinding in Other States Prepare a Synthesis / White Paper
Potential Benefits Provide guidance on diamond grinding Why to use When to use for best performance Where grinding is not recommended Material factors Geometric considerations such as drainage within urban sections Expectations for Pavement Management Systems: performance curves Cost Effectiveness
Pavement preservation approaches for lightly surfaced roadways Tech Transfer #1B Pavement preservation approaches for lightly surfaced roadways
Project Objective Project Goal To determine options for local agencies to preserve roads that meet the unique requirements of low volume roadways Project Goal Address roadways surfaced with aggregates, thin PCC, stabilized RAP, including both engineered emulsion and formed asphalt What is the desired direction ? What about complimentary studies on going ?
A lightly Surfaced Road: A lightly Surfaced Road: Application of a surface treatment, light asphalt emulsion, to a Gravel Road. Application to a gravel Road Chip Seal Otto Seal Benefits: Keep dust down and the stability provided by the fine material Sealing or at least reducing intrusion of water Reducing loss of gravel surface erosion washboarding Washouts maintenance
Questions? Joe Korzilius Jkorzilius@srfconsulting.com
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