AP Review Political Trends
Types of Government in Colonies Carolinas (est. 1660s) Manorial System New England (est. 1620) Puritans, self-gov’t Chesapeake (est. 1620s) Representative Gov’t Middle Colonies (est. 1660s)Religious tolerance, trade
Origins of political divisions in “national” politics Loyalists Moderates Radicals
What were political issues of the following eras? Critical Period: 1790-1808 Era of Good Feelings: 1809-1824 Jacksonian Democracy: 1828-1841 Sectionalism: 1845-1865 Reconstruction/Industrialization: 1865-1895 Progressivism: 1900-1920 Return to Normalcy: 1920-1932
How did the War of 1812 threaten to be a regional conflict? Hartford Convention How did the War of 1812 threaten to be a regional conflict? What were the proposed constitutional changes? To what extent were the proposals radical?
How did the role of gov’t change dramatically in the 20th Century? Square Deal Progressive Reforms New Deal Fair Deal Great Society Neo-Conservatism
Read the Contract for America Republicans in Congress.. Compromising..?