Law, Ethics, and Anticorruption Vincent R. Johnson 2017-18 Fulbright Scholar From St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas, USA At the University of Mandalay, Burma Presentation at the Fulbright Malaysia Conference March 15, 2018
Proposed Project: Law, Ethics, & Anticorruption Part I: The Demands of the Rule of Law Part II: The Importance of Judicial Independence Part III: Ethical Regulation of Lawyers and Judges Part IV: Ethics in Government Standards of Conduct for Public Officials and Employees Regulation of Lobbyists Part V: Corruption in Education Part VI: The Media and Criticism of Public Actors
The Course That Was Needed: Comparative Law Part I: The Demands of the Rule of Law Part II: The Importance of Judicial Independence Part III: Ethical Regulation of Lawyers and Judges Part IV: Ethics in Government Standards of Conduct for Public Officials and Employees Regulation of Lobbyists Part V: Corruption in Education Part VI: The Media and Criticism of Public Actors
Ethics in Public Life: Theory Impropriety and the appearance of impropriety Prohibitions and disclosure requirements Ethics education and ethics enforcement
Ethics in Public Life: History The French courts during the Reign of Terror The Chinese legal system during the cultural revolution
Ethics in Public Life: Today Cronyism in South Africa Corrupt police departments in Mexico Banking crisis in Iran Chinese tort law US Foreign Surveillance Court
The Roots of Poland’s Defiance of the European Union New York Times , 12/25/17 “Poles demonstrated with Polish and European Union flags and copies of the Constitution in front of the presidential palace in Warsaw last month to protest the new judicial laws.” Photo Credit Janek Skarzynski/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Judicial Selection in the United States Some judges are elected In partisan elections or nonpartisan elections Some judges are appointed Either through a political process or a “merit-based” process
Student Presentations
Members of Parliament in Naypyidaw, Burma Programs sponsored by the US-funded National Democracy Institute The Demands of the Rule of Law The Importance of Judicial Independence The Basics of International Trade Law
Parliament Building
Members of Parliament
Law, Ethics, and Anticorruption Vincent R. Johnson 2017-18 Fulbright Scholar From St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas, USA At the University of Mandalay, Burma Presentation at the Fulbright Malaysia Conference March 15, 2018