Alive-O 5 Term 3: Lesson 1 We are an Easter People
The Empty Tomb When Jesus had been buried, some priests and Pharisees were still not happy. They remembered how Jesus had said that when he was alive, ‘After three days I will rise again.’
‘What if some of his friends steal his body, then hide it and tell everyone that Jesus has risen from the dead?’ they said to one another. ‘Then people will believe he really was the Son of God and we will be in trouble.’
So they went to Pilate and asked him to put guards around Jesus’ tomb So they went to Pilate and asked him to put guards around Jesus’ tomb. Pilate sent some of his Roman soldiers to guard the tomb.
Very early on Easter Sunday morning Mary Magdalene and some of her friends went to visit the tomb. ‘What if the guards do not let us in? And even if they do, we will never be strong enough to move the huge rock from the tomb,’ they said. ‘What will we do?’
But when they got to the tomb they could not believe their eyes But when they got to the tomb they could not believe their eyes. The huge stone was not there! It had been rolled away! And there wasn’t a Roman guard to be seen anywhere.
Just then an angel spoke to the women Just then an angel spoke to the women. ‘Do not be afraid,’ the angel said, ‘You are looking for Jesus who was crucified; he is not here, he is risen.
At first some of the friends of Jesus thought the women’s story was nonsense. But Peter ran to the tomb to see for himself. He bent down and saw the cloths that had been wrapped around Jesus’ body, lying on the ground. He was amazed at what had happened.
Bible Search Luke 24:1-12