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Presentation transcript:

QUANTIFYING TROPICAL WETLAND BIOMASS AND CARBON STOCKS SWAMP is a USAID-funded climate change program implemented by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and USFS SWAMP provides management agencies, policy makers, and scientists with credible scientific information needed to make sound decisions relating to the role of tropical wetlands in climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. QUANTIFYING TROPICAL WETLAND BIOMASS AND CARBON STOCKS

Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP) Goal: Provide management agencies, policy makers, and scientists with credible scientific information needed to make sound decisions relating to the role of tropical wetlands in climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. Objectives: Quantify GHG emissions and C-stocks and changes Develop models of ecosystem C-dynamics Assess the roles of tropical wetland ecosystems in climate change adaptation Build capacity and awareness among stakeholders Inform restoration and conservation strategies

Why Wetlands? Wetlands are crucial in global C cycles Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP) Why Wetlands? Wetlands are crucial in global C cycles Some of the highest C stocks on the planet Highest deforestation in tropics  GHG emissions Wetlands provide numerous ecosystem services Provisioning: food, fuel, fiber/wood Supporting: production of terrestrial & aquatic life, nutrient accumulation Regulating: climate, fresh water cycles, pollution Cultural: aesthetic, recreational, educational, spiritual

Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP) Geographic Scope 40 countries engaged to date Note that the map does not include all the countries. You could say that some of the key partner countries are noted on this map

Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP) The SWAMP Protocol A proven technical approach for measuring, monitoring, & reporting mangrove carbon Adopted internationally: 2013 Supplement to the IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories: Wetlands Adapted locally in multiple countries: E.g., regional field guide for East Africa https://www.cifor.org/library/3749/protocols-for-the-measurement-monitoring-and-reporting-of-structure-biomass-and-carbon-stocks-in-mangrove-forests/

SWAMP Addresses: Science gaps Resource management issues Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP) SWAMP Addresses: Science gaps Carbon stocks and dynamics Mapping and monitoring Prescriptions for sustainable management and restoration Resource management issues Threats Sound policies Science-based restoration of peatlands and mangroves Science gaps: SWAMP conducts collaborative research with in-country partners Resource management issues: SWAMP raises awareness of the importance of tropical wetlands to address threats and influence global and country-level policies Restoration: SWAMP promotes science-based restoration of peatlands and mangroves

Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP) Follow-Up Info USFS Contacts Beth Lebow, etlebow@fs.fed.us Alex Moad, amoad@fs.fed.us Sasha Gottlieb, sbgottlieb@fs.fed.us Moses Jackson, mosesmjackson@fs.fed.us Website http://www.cifor.org/swamp/