Sri Lanka - Vision Long term vision “ provision of safe water and adequate sanitation to achieve universal access to water & sanitation by 2020” Focus for 2014-2020 Water: 87% access for water supply on Track for MDGs Sanitation: Over 89% with improved Sanitation Year 2005 2009 2015 2020 Safe water coverage (%) 80 85 94 100 Pipe Born Availability 29 37 44 60 Pipe water connections (000) 907 1,267 1,600 3000 Pipe borne Sewerage 2.0 2.5 3 70 Inequalities: Plantation sector WASH coverage to be in par with other areas by 2016
Challenges Bottlenecks - Water resources- depletion of water quantity and degradation of quality leading to high cost of development and service delivery - Institutional Gaps in the local government and rural sectors and lack of dedicated operators and ownership -Lack of resources for environmental sanitation in the rural and plantation sectors SDA Analysis
Progress on 2012 commitments Key achievement areas Increased budget allocation Expansion of Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Programs to bridge water and sanitation gaps in plantation and resettled areas Areas of slow achievement Focus on sustainable service delivery of the rural and plantation sector Enhance the efficiency of provincial and local authorities in delivering water supply and sewerage service in terms of managerial, technical and financial capacities Carry-over to 2014 Many of the commitments are targeted for 2016 and beyond
2014 Commitments Stakeholder consultation to meet beneficiary aspirations towards affordable service delivery Finance Finance Transparency Financing water and sanitation to achieve universal coverage by 2020 Ensure progressive annual increase in national budget allocation up to 4% for water supply and 2.0% for sanitation by 2016 Sustainability Equality Equality Policy and plans Policy and Strategies Coordination Expand pipe borne sewerage in densely populated cities to protect environment and quality of life Consolidate Policies and formulate two Policies for Drinking Water and Sanitation Provide leadership for National Coordination and follow inclusive approach to maximize synergies to achieve goals