Personal Characteristics Empathy: ability to identify with & understand another person’s feelings, situation, motives Honesty: others must be able to trust you at all times Dependability: accept the responsibility your position requires Willingness to learn: learn and adapt
Personal Characteristics Patience: must be tolerant and understanding Acceptance of criticism: accept it and learn from it Enthusiasm: display a positive attitude Self-motivation: ability to begin or follow through with a task
Personal Characteristics Tact: ability to say or do the kindest or most fitting thing in a difficult situation Competence: qualified and capable Responsibility: willing to be held accountable for your actions
Personal Appearance Good Health Diet: well-balanced diet provides body with optimum health Rest: adequate rest provides energy & ability to deal with stress
Personal Appearance Exercise: improves physical & mental capabilities Good posture: prevents fatigue with less stress on muscles
Personal Appearance Avoid tobacco, alcohol & drugs: impairs mental & physical functions
Uniform Neat, well fitting, clean, wrinkle free Avoid extreme styles Follow standards of place of employment
Clothing Clean, neat, in good repair Allow for freedom of body movement Appropriate for position
Name Badge Required at all facilities States name, title, department
Shoes Should fit well & provide good support to prevent fatigue Low heels best to prevent accidents & fatigue Type depends on facility policy
Personal Hygiene Control body odor: daily bath or shower, use deodorant Good oral hygiene Clean undergarments Avoid strong odors: tobacco, perfumes, scented products, after shave
Nails Kept short & clean Long, pointed nails can cause injury to patients Germs transmitted when dirt collects under nails Avoid colored polish Use lotion to prevent chapping & drying of hands
Hair Clean & neat Avoid extreme styles & hair ornaments Pin back off collar Keeps hair from touching patient Prevent hair from falling on tray or equipment Avoid blocking vision during procedure
Jewelry May not be permitted Can cause injury & transmit pathogens Exceptions: watch, wedding ring, small pierced earrings Excessive amount interferes with patient care & detracts from professional appearance
Makeup Avoid excessive use Should create natural appearance & add to attractiveness