Transmission Planning at PJM Interconnection LLC Paul McGlynn Director, System Planning PJM Interconnection
PJM as Part of the Eastern Interconnection 27% of generation in Eastern Interconnection 28% of load in Eastern Interconnection 20% of transmission assets in Eastern Interconnection KEY STATISTICS PJM member companies 800+ millions of people served 61 peak load in megawatts 165,492 MWs of generating capacity 183,604 miles of transmission lines 62,556 2012 GWh of annual energy 793,679 generation sources 1,376 square miles of territory 243,417 area served 13 states + DC externally facing tie lines 191 21% of U.S. GDP produced in PJM As of 6/1/2013
PJM Backbone Transmission System
Total RTEP
RTEP Development Drivers
Transmission Drivers - Public Policy Generation Retirement Drivers EPA Regulations HEDD Regulations Other Environmental Regulations Generation Addition Drivers Renewable Portfolio Standards Wind Generation Development Solar Generation Development Marcellus Shale Demand Response / Energy Efficiency Programs
Generation Retirement Announcements As of 7/15/2013
Generation Deactivations The PJM Board of Managers approved approximately $2.4 Billion in transmission upgrades in 2012 to address transmission issues related to the recent generator deactivation notices 43 projects in the Mid-Atlantic area of PJM 21 projects in the Southern area of PJM 137 projects in PJM West Over $1 Billion in the ATSI transmission zone Over$500 Million in AEP
Forecasted Reserves in PJM
Load Deliverability Test Test -- Transmission system’s capability to deliver energy from aggregate of all capacity resources to an electrical area experiencing a capacity deficiency. PJM©2013 11/13/2018
Generator Deliverability Test Strength of the transmission system to ensure that the aggregate of generators in a given area can be reliably transferred to the rest of PJM. PJM©2013 11/13/2018
Changing Composition of PJM Resources The “Gasification” of PJM continues…
Composition of Active Queue Projects MW Capacity Value MW Energy Value
Queued Generation
RPS Study Overlay