Capital Update Department for Education Julian Wood Alice Lakeman


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Presentation transcript:

Capital Update Department for Education Julian Wood Alice Lakeman Mike Green 22 June 2018

Policy Priorities Investing over £23 billion during this Parliament: Sufficient places: supporting local authorities in their statutory duty £7bn for new school places, including SEND places 825,000 places added between 2010 and 2017 School condition: ensuring these places are kept useable, safe and effective Rebuild and refurbish over 500 existing schools £5.6bn allocated to schools, LAs and academy trusts since 2015 Supporting reform: Free schools programme £100m healthy pupils capital fund

Recent announcements – May 2018 Basic need allocations: £630m funding allocations to create places needed by 2021. £50m towards new mainstream secondary presumption free schools. £50m top-up to the Special Provision Capital Fund – takes this fund to £265m across 2018-21. Selective School Expansion Fund – £50m to support new places in selective and partially selective schools. VA scheme to help create new voluntary-aided schools for faith and other providers – working with LAs to create these schools where they are needed. Free Schools Wave 13 – targeting areas where there is a demand for places and a need to help raise standards.

Looking forward – basic need Demography: By 2023, pupil numbers will be higher than at any point since the 1970s/early 80s Pupil pressure transitioning to secondary Varies by area - Population growth is fastest in London, as well as South West, South East and East of England   Housing: Localised pressures 300,000 homes per year by mid-2020s £5 billion Housing Infrastructure Fund: working with 45 places on Forward Funding bids. Funding announced for 133

Emerging priorities – site optimisation Mixed use development of school sites: Secure school sites in locations where it might not otherwise be possible. Capital receipt from the land sale of the residential element – reduces the overall cost per pupil for the new school. Considering how to improve the efficient use and management of existing school estates.   Former West Acton College site acquired by the ESFA in 2015 1,200 place secondary school and 6th Form alongside c.110 residential units

Emerging priorities – Efficiency Making the most of funding: Scope to drive further efficiency: EBDOG benchmarking shows reduction in LA spend per square metre but significant variation in build costs between LAs remains Our role: more effective monitoring of data, benchmarking of performance and sharing good practice. Supporting LAs, Trusts and Responsible Bodies: Good Estate Management for Schools was published in April 2018 to provide a one-stop-shop for everything that responsible bodies need to know about managing their estates Extending our work to look at efficiency in the management of the existing estate by both academy trusts and local authorities. Joint conference with EBDOG on 13th September in Birmingham to share best practice in delivering school capital projects  

Emerging priorities – MMC Modern Methods of Construction: DfE, DH, DfE, MoJ and MoD “will adopt a presumption in favour of offsite construction by 2019 across suitable capital programmes, where it represents best value for money” Industrial Strategy: standardisation, productivity, flexibility Improve value for money: reduce costs, timely delivery of school places,  

Delivery Update – Free Schools Cathedral Primary School, Bristol  Delivery overview As of May 2018, we have opened 476 free schools, UTCs and studio schools, which will provide over 250,000 school places at capacity. 84% of free schools that have been inspected by Ofsted are ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’; 30% are ‘outstanding’. In 2017/18 we opened 52 free schools. Of these, 27 have opened in their permanent sites and 25 have opened in temporary sites. We have approved a further 315 applications to open schools in future years. East London Arts & Music, London

Delivery Update – PSBP Delivery overview £4.4 billion to rebuild and refurbish school buildings in the very worst condition across the country. Two phases, with the lifecycle of the programme running until 2021. PSBP phase 1 (largely whole schools) 238 out of 260 schools are already open in their new and refurbished buildings.  Signed construction contracts for 255 of the 260 schools. PSBP phase 2 (mainly individual blocks) Works at 8 schools complete 44 construction contracts signed. Feasibility work has already started at 276 schools.

Delivery Update: Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) Annual bidding round for academies and sixth-form colleges in smaller trusts. Core priority is to address significant condition need, keeping buildings safe and in good working order. A proportion of the fund supports expansion projects at good and outstanding schools with high demand to expand the number of pupils on roll or to address overcrowding. 2018/19 5,000 academies and sixth-form colleges were eligible to apply for CIF this year. Announced £514 million for 1,556 projects at 1,299 academies and sixth form colleges. The appeals round is underway and outcomes will be announced in July.

Looking ahead… School Capacity Survey 2018 now open Joint EBDOG/Capital conference – 13th Sept 2018 CIF 2019/20 – expected launch October 2019 Capital funding allocations – Spring 2019 Full Spending Review in 2019

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