Examples of Pseudoscience Young Earth Creationism What is Young Earth Creationism? Creationism is the belief, usually (though not always) for religious reasons, that the Earth was created, including its life forms, some time in the last 10,000 years or so The most common version is Christian, which estimates about 6,000 years ago Based on Biblical accounts Early books of the Bible (Genesis) give specific ages at which people gave birth Many gaps, but you can add the years and get an estimate Adding up to the time of Jesus, Earth was ~ 4,000 years old at the time From Jesus on, we can match years to historical events
Creationism and the Battle in the Classroom (1) The real issue for creationism is not over what scientists believe, but what is taught in the classroom Pre 20’th century – No one learned science in school, so no one cared 1920’s – States pass laws barring the teaching of evolution in school 1925 – John Scopes charged with teaching evolution in the classroom He is found guilty Plan was to pursue this to higher court But it got set aside on a technicality 1930’s – 1960 – Science textbooks just avoided the controversy 1957 – Russians launch Sputnik United States decides it is behind in science 1961 – National Science Foundation Encourages teaching evolution in the classroom 1960’s – Laws passed prohibiting the teaching of evolution as “fact” These laws were generally overturned on first amendment grounds Freedom of speech and establishment clause
Creationism and the Battle in the Classroom (2) 1970’s – Creationism rebrands itself as “Creation Science” Attempting to claim that it is just another view of science 1980’s – Equal time laws get passed Arguing equal time should be spent on evolution and creation science Late 1980’s – Laws are challenged in classroom Generally argued that creation science was simply warmed-over religious arguments 1990’s – Creationism rebrands itself as “intelligent design” Removes claims that any divine agent is involved But claims only that something with a plan accounts for the diversity of species we see today 2005 – Kitzmiller v. Dover – District court ruled that intelligent design was simply a new name for creation science As such, it was in violation of the Establishment Clause Since then, more laws have been passed Mostly ignored, since it is recognized that they are unconstitutional
Flawed Reasoning of Creationists (1) The Bible says that creatures were created in a few days, not over billions or years Argument by authority Evolution relies on random chance. But nothing as complex as a human could occur due to random chance For example, a whirlwind could never assemble a jet from random parts So evolution can’t make complex creatures False analogy If evolution is correct, then there should be transitional forms between every species But we don’t always see fossils of these transitional forms Hence evolution is false Ad Ignorantium
Flawed Reasoning of Creationists (2) “Do you want to believe humans came from primitive forms, or do you want to believe that we were designed in God’s image” So, you should believe in creationism because it is better if it’s true Non-sequitur Charles Darwin developed the theory of natural selection Charles Darwin had racist views Hence we shouldn’t believe in evolution Ad-hominem
Five Arguments for Evolution DNA evidence Physical similarity of different creatures We have worthless parts We have poorly designed parts Fossils
Five Arguments for an Old Earth Parallax, other distance methods, and the speed of light Tree rings Radiocarbon dating and other radioactive methods Continental drift Motion of the Moon away from Earth
Homework 8: Groups pick a topic You can pick any topic approved by me It can’t correspond with your book topic Some possible topics include: Atlantis Auras Chiromancy/Palm Reading Crop Circles Dowsing The Face on Mars Feng Shui Magnet Therapy Noah’s Ark Nostradamus Polygraphs Therapeutic Touch