Star Ratings and Product Differentiation Ben Heffer – Insight Analyst (life & protection)
Agenda Defaqto’s products and services Star Ratings Income protection Short term income protection Mortgage payment protection Creditor insurance product update
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Star Ratings
What are Star Ratings? Star ratings measure comprehensiveness Star ratings do not measure suitability Features measured of benefit to end consumer Helps consumers segment the market Whole of market
Star rating methodology A range of individually scored features. An overall aggregated score. Benchmarks for 5, 4, 3 and 2 stars. A number of core criteria – features that must be included in order to achieve four or five stars.
Star ratings Since 2000, 80 different ratings (17 protection) Long term: Income Protection Insurance (IP) Short term: Short Term Income Protection (STIP) Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance (MPPI)
Star rating criteria (STIP & MPPI) Cover options (ASU, AS, U) Benefit periods (3, 6, 12 months, 24 months?) Excess periods (30 days, back-to-day-one) Definition of disability Initial exclusion (AS 30 days, U 30 days) Back to work help Treatment of pre-existing conditions Stress/Back problems Cancellation/change notice period
Income protection insurance (IP) Greater focus on: Financial underwriting Additional features and benefits, e.g. guaranteed insurability, indexation, waiver of premium Claims support services Health and wellbeing services
Add-ons for STIP and MPPI Constraints on cost No need to mitigate against long term sickness Cultural differences Sales channel factors Is there a value-add model for creditor insurance?
Creditor insurance product update
Creditor insurance products 2008 – 2016
MPPI v STIPP products 2008 – 2016
STIP provider types 2011 - 2016
Short term income protection 51 products (53) 17 underwriters (17) 25 providers (34) Banks/building societies Brokers/broker networks Web distributors Insurers
STIP – products by distribution channel
Number of PPI complaints to FOS
PPI – FOS uphold rates Source: FOS
Number of PPI complaints (cumulative) Source: FOS
Income protection outlook Increase in new income protection policies sold in 2015 (10.7%) Increase in limited payment terms (22%) Increase in 2yr benefit (92%) Long term vs short term? Source: SwissRe Term and Health Watch
Ben’s thoughts
Ben’s thoughts Product quality Customer loyalty Sales stats for STIP and MPPI
Thank you Ben Heffer, Insight Analyst – Life & Protection Web: Email: Tel: 01844 295 447