And other tales of vengeance and hatred.
Daily Agenda Day 3 Bell Ringer Review #26 Vocab Spotlight: Contentious, Denounce, Discord Reading Check Quiz: Cask of Amontillado Lit Lesson: Cask of Amontillado: A Close Reading to Analyze Plot Lit Lesson: Dystopian Film Connection – Evaluate dystopian characteristics in Wall-E
Bell Ringer 5 mins Correct the following sentence: In 1968, an oil company heiress left 4.3 million dollars to her 150 or so dogs, when the does died the money went to the auburn university school of veterinary medicine.
Vocab Spotlight 5 mins Denounce Contentious Discord Sample Sentence: The school quickly and publically denounced the actions of the contentious students who attempted to sow discord among the student body by spreading offensive rumors about rival cliques. Denounce Contentious Discord
Reading Check 10 mins Put Phones away! Mark answers by circling the correct option choice. Put your name on the quiz!!! Turn your paper over and sit quietly when finished.
Character Development Analysis 30 mins Review quiz and reading guide questions. Discuss character development (See questions on last page of the story plus #7, 8, 10 on page 181) Use evidence not inference to answer the questions!
Flashback! Dystopian Film Connection 35 mins Take out your film guide. Continue evaluating the dystopian features and controls used in Wall-E.
Reminders Clean-up your work area. Look under your seat for your belongings! Read “The Story Behind the Cask of Amontillado”. A link to the article and instructions for a fact check activity are located on the Assignment Blog page of the class website.