Education for the Changing Public Sector: Caroline Alagna, MPA Project An Impact Study of the SUNY Buffalo State College MPA in the Erie County Department of Social Services’ Employee Education Program Caroline Alagna, MPA Project Dr. Laurie Buonanno, Project Advisor/ Second Readers: Frank DeCarlo and Sharon Rochelle Purpose Phase 1: Quantitative: Survey - retirees who had completed EEP/MPA Qualitative: Interviews - current employees who had completed EEP/MPA. Phase 2: Quantitative: Survey - current employees who had completed EEP/MPA. Survey – ECDSS supervisors and administrators Phase 3 Qualitative: Focus group discussion - with EEP liaisons Interviews - key participant of the EEP, the First Deputy Commissioner of Social Services, to discuss key skills developed from her MPA experience and key skills used on the job; a key stakeholder of the EEP, the Second Deputy Commissioner of Social Services, to discuss ECDSS concerns regarding the EEP. Skills Obtained: Technical Skills: 63.2%- Better understand government; 62.5% more aware of their job, ECDSS programs, and responsibilities; better understand public policy in relation to ECDSS Conceptual Skills: 89.5% gained critical thinking skills; more analytical; 84.2% gained research skills Interpersonal Skills: 89.5% gained professional communication skills; 80% are better able to work with others; better team players; better management of emotions; 75% suggestions better articulation; 75% more confident Business Skills: 89.5% more organized/better prioritize; time management skills; better home/work life balance; 26.3% public budgeting Leadership Skills: 84.2% gained leadership skills; 90% can lead others towards goals; more mission-driven The Erie County Department of Social Services (ECDSS) Employee Education Program (EEP) is an educational sponsorship program providing eligible employees with a tuition-free education at area higher education institutions for specified degrees, including the MPA at the SUNY Buffalo State. The purposes of this 2017 evaluation include: 1) identifying the skills and knowledge ECDSS employees gained/enhanced from their participation in the MPA program, and 2) examining the impact of these skills and knowledge on both the employees and ECDSS. Literature Review Role of Government Government is essential to the lives of many people and needs to be staffed by well-trained individuals. Skills Needed to Keep Up: Management and Leadership Skills Technical Skills Conceptual Skills Professional Communication Skills Business Skills Sample Selection Convenience sample: 29 retirees, 26 current employed graduates, and 15 current participants in the program. Methodology & Design Data Analysis & Results Retention: Grads have (300) combined years of service post-graduation-12.5 average years each (and are still employed). Promotion: 54.6% of the EEP/MPA grads have received promotions during or after program completion Performance: All participants began EEP to become better workers; 80% are performing better; 85% better able to work with others To assess the impact of the EEP/MPA on ECDSS, we needed to determine: skills and other competencies being gained from the EEP/MPA program; whether skills used on the job; if skills improved performance; attrition after earning the MPA; if program is adding value to ECDSS. Next we compared skills with program goals. A multi-phase mixed method design was utilized for this evaluation. n= 8 retiree surveys/n= 8 participant interviews/n= 20 participant surveys n= 11 supervisor surveys/n= 1 focus group discussion/n= 1 key participant interview; n= 1 key stakeholder interview Questions from the interviews and surveys (retiree, participant, supervisor) were compared, categorized, and triangulated. Data were then compared to information obtained from Phase 3. Conclusions/Recommendations All EEP goals are being attained. Concerns regarding both retention and value cannot be supported by the data. All supervisors in the agency should participate in the EEP/MPA. Supervisors/administrators should utilize the skills gained by participants and provide more recognition to participants. The EEP/MPA should be utilized as an agency succession plan. Should provide continued learning opportunities . EEP/MPA program requirements and progress should be continuously reviewed. Acknowledgements: I express my extreme gratitude to ECDSS for the opportunity to further my education. A very special thank you to my family for putting up with me during this endeavor, and being my #1 supporters. To my advisors and project partner, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with me. To all Buffalo State faculty: you guys are the best!