The Language of Fractions
Numerator The numerator is the number, or expression, on the TOP of the fraction. Numerator
Remember: zero can never be there! Denominator The denominator is located down on the bottom of the fraction. Remember: zero can never be there! Denominator
Parts of a whole The top of the fraction are the parts that we’re interested in. The bottom of the fraction is the total. “I got 19 of the 20 problems right.”
Proper Fractions Proper fractions – top is smaller than the bottom. Sort of like a snowman!
All proper fractions are less than 1. (a piece of the pie)
Improper Fractions Improper fractions – top is bigger than the bottom. Sort of like a bodybuilder.
Improper Fractions Improper fractions are all bigger than 1. They can be written as mixed numbers. Remember: the fraction bar is a division sign!
A mixed number is the sum of a whole number and a fraction. Mixed Numbers A mixed number is the sum of a whole number and a fraction.
Any mixed number can be written as an improper fraction. Mixed Numbers Any mixed number can be written as an improper fraction.
Simplified fractions A fraction is in lowest terms when the numerator and denominator have no common factors.
You may cancel any matching numbers on the top and bottom. Simplified fractions It’s easiest to see what you’re doing if you break each number into prime factors. You may cancel any matching numbers on the top and bottom.
Equal fractions Equal fractions have equal cross-products. 10 = 10 Product means multiply ~ cross-product means multiply across. This is a good way to check if you reduced correctly.
Remember your terms Numerator Denominator Proper fraction Improper fraction Mixed number Simplified fractions