Syrian Refugees: Morality or Security? By: Michael Heath Fields Mentor: Dr. Anita Walz Presented: April 20 2017
Syrian Civil War (Arab Spring) 2011 The Refugee Crisis Syrian Civil War (Arab Spring) 2011 Free Syrian Army, Assad Regime, ISIS About 4 million Syrians fleeing, 7 million displaced within.
Refugees in Turkey. Turkey Borders Syria More tolerant refugee laws (EU). About 1.6 million Crowded in refugee camps (some didn’t even get the camps). Abused for cheap labor. Syria and its neighbors (123RF).
Refugee: Burden or Gift? Syrian refugees treated as burden. Economic Potential? Acceptance Issues.
Western World more resources. Stagnant response (especially U.S.) Western Involvement Western World more resources. Stagnant response (especially U.S.) More countries involved helps situation.
Syrian Refugees coming to the United States Refugee admission process long, 9 government agencies. Pew Research Center Poll September 2015 (51%- 46%). President Donald Trump. Released list of 78 terrorist attacks.
Registered Syrian Refugees Syrian Refugee Admission in U.S. Per Year 2007 ? 17 2008 24 2009 25 2010 2011 8,000 29 2012 493,423 31 2013 2,325,350 36 2014 3,222,565 105 2015 4,595,198 1,682 2016 4,795,648 Table 1. This shows the escalation of the Syrian refugee crisis in relation to the number of refugees being taken in by the U.S. (U.S. Department of State).
Objective President Trump’s immigration ban on six countries and refugee suspension. Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen List of 78 terrorist attacks. Does Islamic terrorism only come from the these counties, or from other countries as well?
Methods Analyzed the White House list of 78 terrorist attacks released in February 2017. People killed and wounded in each country, number of attacks per country. perpetrator origin, foreign attacks. ArcGIS was used to illustrate analysis of data.
People killed by Islamic Terrorism per country
People Wounded By Islamic Terrorism Per Country
Terrorist attacks per country
Countries where Islamic Terrorists originate
Countries that experienced foreign terrorist attacks
Discussion Based on results of terrorist origin, can we really say that terrorists come from a select few countries? Trump’s policy unnecessary? Who’s more in danger? 3 year old Syrian Alan Kurdi (Wikipedia).
Conclusion Take in more, reduce burden. (Global Effort). Terrorism comes from all over the world, not just a select few countries. Suspending refugees, even if temporary, leaves them in a dangerous situation for inconclusive reasons.
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