Terrorism – threats are rising EU – 1. The world is getting closer, smaller and more interdependent through the process of globalization Historical scientific developments affect us directly today in many ways The post-colonial, Cold War and post-Cold War eras have led to both significant development and significant challenges for the continents of Asia, Africa and South America Terrorism – threats are rising Warm-up 1. Define Terrorism. View the following overview of terrorism Describe al-Qaeda, who its leader was, what it has done and from where it has operated. What are its goals? Explain the causes of terrorism in general. List at least three terror organizations. How are they different and the same? Conclusion – What can individuals, countries and international institutions do to address terrorism. Wrap-up – complete packet page 23 KLG work
Al Qaeda Sunni Muslim global organization loosely led by: Osama Bin Laden – a younger son of a very wealthy Saudi Arabia family that is friends with the Bush family Was trained by CIA operatives as one of the mujahedin in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion there Operates out of Afghanistan and Pakistan Goals are: to try to destroy Israel Destroy the global power of the US – including getting the US out of Saudi Arabia Spread Strict Islam to all of the Middle East – maybe even the world Method is to use terrorism like World trade center bombing in 1993, Attack on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 2000 attack on USS Cole in Yemen 2001 attacks on 9/11 Bombing of Madrid trains 2004 London Subway 2005