REGIONAL TOURISM MEETING FOR EASTERN AFRICA Tourism Safety and Security in IGAD: Lessons from other Regional bodies Jim Ayorekire REGIONAL TOURISM MEETING FOR EASTERN AFRICA Kigali, Rwanda 1st - 3rd Juneli 2016
Destination competitiveness Safety and Security Attractiveness Destination competitiveness
Considerations of Risk - Sources Human and institutional environment - outside tourism sector (theft, organised crime, terrorism Tourism sector related – defects in safety, sanitation, security Individual traveller - personal risks – dangerous activities, criminal activities personal health , conflictive behaviour Physical and environmental risks – natural disastors, epidemics
Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index – TTCI (2015)
TTCI of Selected countries (2015) Safety and Security index Safety and security sub indexes Country Index score (1-7) Global TTCI rank /141 Rwanda 5.58 98 Ethiopia 5.18 118 Tanzania 4.85 93 Uganda 4.62 114 Burundi 4.5 135 Kenya 3.78 78 Business costs of crime and violence Reliability of police services Business costs of Terrorism Index of terrorism index Homicide Rate Health and hygiene**
Good Practices and Learning Experiences
Policy Framework: ASEAN ASEAN Political-Security Community Safety and security plan Integrated in Regional Tourism Master Plan Safety and security webpage Declaration on Tourism safety and security (2003) signed by the ASEAN Tourism ministers EAC East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) East African Court of Justice Joint Security coordination mechanism
Regional Disaster Risk Management: Caribbean Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (CDERA) Disaster Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan Guidelines/standards for national disaster risk management Hazard mapping, vulnerability assessment and economic valuation & risk assessment Locate and rescue mechanisms Reallocation to nearly similar or other destinations – limited interruption of holiday Recovery strategies - assist affected destinations
Security Mechanisms: Schengen area Schengen Information System (SIS) – police, customs, national border control and judicial authorities Use of biometrics, alerts mechanism, system query tools and with stronger data protection Cross-border surveillance and hot pursuit Faster extradition of convicts; Quicker transfer and enforcement of criminal judgments
Lessons Institutional and regulatory framework Support/work with existing initiatives - Conflict Early Warning and Response Mechanism (CEWARN), Safety and Communication Center – Kenya Enhance Research and Development Safety and Communication strategy Tourism as vehicle for Peace
STMP recommendations Safety and security Action Plan Tourism Police units Adequate resource allocation for tourism safety and security Leverage existing initiatives Standard regional risk management Tourist victim support service Structures to facilitate partnerships/coordination
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