How can I support my child in English? A Studley Parents’ Guide
Why is English important? A good English GCSE is required for most level 3 courses Most universities and employers will demand GCSE English English teaches you vital life skills that give you confidence and an ability to communicate The skills that you develop will support your development in other subjects
Getting the basics right Regular routine for completing homework smarthomework After school revision sessions Value every minute Absence and catching up Positive message SPaG Purple revision guides
Talking and working together Talk to your child about the texts they’re studying Talk to them about current affairs Talk about the meanings of unfamiliar words you come across in books, films and TV programmes Do an exam paper yourself!
Exam details
How to revise Get organised! Read the set texts Make use of the online revision resources
How to revise Know what is going on Make notes Do some practice questions Learn lots of short quotes Plan some literature essays Read some poems Read lots of examples of text types you might get in the writing exam Get into a routine
English department revision sessions
Useful websites
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