PSP Child & Youth Mental Health PSP master PowerPoint template specifications Font throughout: Myriad Pro Title font colour: RGB 220 102 30 All text font colour: RGB 76 89 89 Title and ending slides: Title: 44 font Speaker: 32 font Place and date: 20 font Content slide (positions from top left corner): Title: 32 font; title text box: horizontal 0.56” vertical 0.25” Main text box: horizontal 0.56” vertical 0.25” Footnote: 12 font; horizontal 0.56” vertical 7.25” Font sizes and bullets: see slide 2 PSP logo: horizontal 9.23” vertical 7”; size = height 0.75”, width 1.74” Page number: horizontal 10.39” vertical 7.67” Position of graphics and text from top left corner: Top graphic: horizontal -.01” vertical 0.12” (short orange and long taupe) Bottom graphic: horizontal 0” vertical 8.08” (long taupe and short orange) PSP logo: horizontal 1.06” vertical 1.17” ‘ size = h 1.29” w 3” Master title: horizontal 0.56” vertical 3.5” Speaker: horizontal 0.56” vertical 5.08” Date and place: horizontal 0.56” vertical 5.92” Information box: horizontal 1.64” vertical 3.17” MOH / BCMA logos: horizontal 6.72” vertical 7.04”; size = h 0.71” w 2.5” – must be on title and ending slides GPSC / SSC / Shared Care logos: horizontal 3.46” vertical 5.83”; size = h .66” w 4.82” – must be on last/ending slide PSP website URL horizontal 1.06” vertical 7.17”; size = h .39” w 3” – must be on title and ending slides PSP Child & Youth Mental Health Learning Session 4 © 2012 British Columbia Medical Association and Dr. Stanley P. Kutcher. Health educators and health providers are permitted to use this publication for non-commercial educational purposes only. No part of this publication may be modified, adapted, used for commercial or non-educational purposes without the express written consent of the BCMA and Dr. Kutcher. Jeff Conners, MSW RSW Quilchena Hotel May 11, 2017
Substance Use and Addictions in Youth Prehumousy : Prevalence of the Addictions: A Problem of the Majority or the Minority? An increasing number of research studies over the last three decades suggest that a wide range of substance and process addictions may serve similar functions. The current article considers 11 such potential addictions (tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs, eating, gambling, Internet, love, sex, exercise, work, and shopping), their prevalence, and co-occurrence, based on a systematic review of the literature. Data from 83 studies (each study n = at least 500 subjects) were presented and supplemented with small-scale data. Depending on which assumptions are made, overall 12-month prevalence of an addiction among U.S. adults varies from 15% to 61%. The authors assert that it is most plausible that 47% of the U.S. adult population suffers from maladaptive signs of an addictive disorder over a 12-month period and that it may be useful to think of addictions as due to problems of lifestyle as well as to person-level factors. Jeff Conners, MSW, RSW
Substance Use CARBC
Importance of clinical and public health, nature/nurture, getting together & supporting the whole continuum
McCreary Centre Society (2014) McCreary Centre Society (2014). From Hastings Street to Haida Gwaii: Provincial results of the 2013 BC Adolescent Health Survey.
Assessment & Management Drug Use Continuum – -Assess: Last 7/14/30 days If you had a problem how would you know? -Alcohol guidelines -Tobacco cessation / Vapor Products -Cannabis -School/Work/Social/Legal/Health system involvement CAGE Questions 1. Have yo u ever felt you should cut down on your drinking? 2. Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? 3. Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking? 4. Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves o r to get rid of a hangover (eye -opener)?
Change Process
Motivational Interviewing
Risk & Protective Factors Numerous issues – rather than one key factor or experience – influence the development of substance use problems in young people: • individual (personality, developmental delays, early use of substances, social skills deficits) (Schwartz et al., 2007; Wekerle et al., 2009) • family and other adults (low family economic status, mental illness, family conflict, coercive or poor parenting skills, lack of parental monitoring, neglect, sexual and physical abuse) (Ryzin et al., 2012; Feldstein & Miller, 2006) • peer (peer rejection or peer influence on risk-taking behaviours) • school (lack of academic progress and success, commitment to school) • community (neighbourhood poverty, income disparity) (B.C. MoH, 2006) • government policies that can have a direct impact on the lives of individuals (e.g. residential schools, lack of access to health care, lack of evidence-based public health policies on alcohol and other drugs) (Allison et al., 1999; Connell et al., 2010)
Adolescent Development Industry vs Isolation – Social Inclusion – Bio Psycho Social – Multi-Dynamic systems
Harm Reduction
Cigs Alc Drugs Eat Gamble Net Love Sex Exercise Work Shop Roles +/− + − Social Legal Danger Physical Financial Emotional Tolerance-like Withdrawal-like Prevalence of the Addictions: A Problem of the Majority or the Minority? “among others; associated with subjective reports of arousal, pleasure, or fantasy “ like pain scale 1-10 or consciousness - ‘the mind’ Table 1 Speculation on Negative Consequences of 11 Potentially Addictive Behaviors Notes. + = criterion applies; +/− = criterion might apply or sometimes applies; − = criterion does not apply; cigs = cigarette/tobacco dependence; alc = alcohol abuse/dependence; drugs = drug abuse/dependence; eat = eating disorders, particularly binge eating disorder; gamble = gambling addiction; net = Internet addiction; love = love addiction; sex = sex addiction; exercise = exercise addiction; work = workaholism; shop = shopping addiction.
https://s-media-cache-ak0. pinimg
Resources A Review of Youth Substance Use Services in BC - Representative for Children & Youth. From Chocolate to Morphine: Altering/dp/0618483799 Safety First: