Welcome to Curriculum Night
Meet Mrs. Zagula Graduated from Oakland University Student-taught at Delta Kelly Two long-term substitute jobs at Hugger Taught fifth at Hamlin first year with Mrs. Gress Fourth year teaching second grade Married June 15, 2013 to MR. Z! Finished Masters degree from Marygrove College August 2013 Moved to Rochester May 2014 Enjoys music, photography, traveling, and being with friends and family
A Day in the Life of Your Student
Morning Routine / Morning Meeting Bell rings at 8:05… learning starts right away!! Lunch Count, Attendance by 8:15 Morning meeting to build teamwork and review behavior and curricular information Please assist in ensuring your student is at school and ready learn on time.
Reading Starts at 8:20! Starts with a short mini-lesson to demonstrate a strategy Students spend time reading to self, reading with someone, listening to reading, and working with words Concluded with a share or review of the skill that was taught and fluency practice
Word Study Spelling words each week to match targeted word patterns and district second grade word list Spelling test is on Friday. Please study at home! Tested in sentences
Snack Students may have FRUITS OR VEGETABLES Encourage students to bring a water bottle to keep in their cubby
Writing Workshop Short mini-lesson to model / teach writing strategies Students write independently Independent conferences and/or small strategy groups Concluded with review
Recess / Lunch
Science, Social Studies & Health New Battle Creek Science units Healthy Living Social Studies- Our Community Parts of the Eye and how they work Parts of the Ear and how they work
Specials MONDAY Gym & Music TUESDAY Art & Chinese WEDNESDAY Library THURSDAY No Specials FRIDAY Gym & Music
Math Workshop Everyday Mathematics 4 is new to our district this year. Math boxes review skills Mini-lesson / concept overview 4 math centers Daily homework Unit Assessments
Homework ALWAYS keep in homework folders Read a “just right” homework book each day. Math “Home Link” each day It is important that homework be completed with assistance Weekly Spelling Words
Friday Folders Comes home every Friday School Flyers Completed school work Please empty and return to school on Monday
Classroom Management Classroom economy Students are paid for jobs and good choices Students are debited for poor choices or missing homework Students spend money at school store Class can also earn tallies towards an afternoon pajama party, etc. Hawk Hoorays
Your student’s birthday is a very special day Your student’s birthday is a very special day! We would like to make it special at school by inviting them to bring a book from home for all their classmates to sign. (They will bring the book back home with them). We will sing Happy Birthday and allow your child to be our line leader and helper for their special day. Please note that no food birthday treats will be permitted at Hamlin. If your child wishes to pass something out they may pass out a small item to classmates such as a pencil, eraser, sticker, etc...
Assessment Conference Reports: Q1, Q3 Report Cards: Q2, Q4 Sign up for Conferences in the back
Starring… Celebrity for a week Poster Pictures Art
Field Trips Dinosaur Hill- Oct. 7th Downtown Rochester Walk- May 12th One Room School house- May 28th
Volunteers are Needed! Volunteers help maximize efficiency and allow me to work with students in small groups Volunteers are needed during reading centers in the morning Class store (donations welcome!)
Other Items Conference times Compact Room parent(s) Parties Math reference book reminder Letter to child Emergency Fan-Out
Lend a Hand Donations to the classroom are always welcome and much appreciated! Take a sticky note to sign up for donating that item! Thank you!!!
Home / School Communication E-mail is by far the most efficient method kzagula@rochester.k12.mi.us Check Website Monthly newsletter with curricular information