Welcome to Room 23! September 16, 2016 The End of Week Three! Handwriting Our handwriting program began this week. Mrs. M, an occupational therapist, will join us once a cycle for the first marking period to give us tips on improving our handwriting! She started this week with a short lesson on “POP.” The first P is for posture. We encourage students to sit up straight with their feet on the floor. O is for “other hand” and we remind students to use their other hand to anchor the page so that it stays still while they write. The second P is for “pencil posture,” where the students should hold the pencil with three fingers with the eraser pointing back at them while they write. After Mrs. M’s lessons, she and I help the students apply the skills she teaches as they practice the proper formation of letters. Science In science we have been continuing with our unit on the Solar System! After an introductory lesson, we dove right in and began learning about stars and constellations. Social Studies We have been learning about communities and different types of community helpers and what they do to help our community. Each student wrote about what he/she wants to be when he/she grows up and it has been fun learning about what each student hopes to become when he/she is older! Important Dates Monday, September 19: Picture Day! September 22: Yara’s Birthday September 28: Maggie’s Birthday September 30: Sebastian’s Birthday Reminder Library books will be due next Day 5, Wednesday, Sept. 21! The Scholastic Book Orders are due by Sept. 28! You can submit your order online or send it to school with your child that I will submit at the end of the month. A few students have not yet brought in a folder of their choice to be used as their seatwork folder. Please send one in with your child if he/she has not done so yet. Miss Alaina Seygal Email Address: SeygalA@tesd.net 1st Grade Devon Elementary School Phone Number: (610)-240-2455
Alternates for the week: Word Study We have still been practicing the short /a/ sound. We manipulated words with this sound and practiced hearing it and using it to spell different words from last week. This week we practiced –at & -an word family words, such as cat, can, bat, fan, etc. We played a fun “I Have, Who Has?” game during word study to emphasize the difference between –at and –an words. Ask your child what our record is! We added new words to our word wall, please practice these at home. They are: the, you, can, and Writing We continued writing in our September journals. Every student writes an entry of his/her choice each morning. Writing is an important part of first grade and the kids are still off to a great start! Their entries are so much fun to read! Math Tuesday, we started chapter 6: Ordinal Numbers and Position. We practiced describing order and position using ordinal numbers and words, such as first, second, tenth, last, between, left, right, next to, below, in front of, etc. We need a little extra practice remembering our left from our right, so we practiced that a lot. Please work on this at home with your child too! At the beginning of each new chapter I will be sending home the home/school connections. These are optional. It’s up to you if you’d like your child to complete the worksheet. I will be more than happy to look over it, however it is your choice and not mandatory by me. Lunch Menu Next Week Monday: Cheese Breadsticks Tuesday: Baked BBQ Chicken Wednesday: Cheeseburger Thursday: Baked Ziti w/ sausage meat Friday: Mickey’s Pizza Alternates for the week: B) Chicken Patty *except for Fridays C) PBJ D) Ham & Cheese Sandwich E) Chicken Salad Platter