Module 5 – Approve a Requisition July 2016 – August 2016 P2P Module: Ariba P2P REQUISITION AND APPROVAL Note: This content is subject to change. Please click on the link below for latest version
Catalog Item Flow Preparer Requester Cost Center BU Receiver Supplier Compose Req Line item info, purchasing group Check out Watch Approve Denied Approve Denied Receive goods / services Receive PO Ship goods / deliver services Module 5 - Approve a Requisition
Understanding the Approval Flow The Ariba approval status will appear on the requisition summary page. After all Ariba approvals are complete, the requisition will go to SAP for the ECC budget control check, which may take up to 15 minutes. Gray Pending: This role has not yet received the request to approve. Blue Active: This role has received the request to approve. Green Approved (Checkmark): This role has approved the requisition. Red Denied (Exclamation point): This role has denied the requisition and sent it back to the requester. Module 5 - Approve a Requisition
Receive Approval Request Approvers will receive the request to approve via email. After reviewing the details, click Open to view the full requisition details. Module 5 - Approve a Requisition
Review the Requisition Review the summary information. Module 5 - Approve a Requisition
Review the Requisition (continued) The Approval Flow shows whether anyone has already approved the requisition. The Line Items section shows all items on the requisition. Click Detail to view the accounting and shipping information. Module 5 - Approve a Requisition
Review the Requisition (Continued) Scroll to the Accounting – By Line Item section and review the data for accuracy. Review the Shipping – By Line Item data. Review any Comments or Attachments provided by the requester. Click OK. Module 5 - Approve a Requisition
Approve via Ariba Click Approve. Type comments (optional) and use the checkbox to designate whether those comments are visible to the supplier. Click OK. Module 5 - Approve a Requisition
Approvers will receive the request to approve via email. After reviewing the details, click Approve or Deny. Review the requisition details. Module 5 - Approve a Requisition
Approve via Email (Continued) Click Send. Your approval / denial will be recorded in Ariba, and the requester will be notified by email. Type a message to the requester in the designated area. Note: Leave the code inside the brackets as is. Module 5 - Approve a Requisition