Defect Analysis algorithms for the ARC, Lt and LtStruct tests V.Zhukov CMSweek sept 2004 Defect Analysis algorithms for the ARC, Lt and LtStruct tests Present status Cuts definition for the ARC (TEC,TOB) LtStruct defect analysis Sharing the work
Present Status ARC tests Task Force algorithms for defect analysis based on rmsnoise, Acal,PeakTime, Led and BackPlane three ways to use it: root macros (UCSB) xFlag (Florence) DefectAnalyzer(LtStruct) DefectAnalyser framework is the most powerful - advised to be used to improve algortihms and set the cuts.
How to define cuts? 1)TIB: cuts are defined ‘by hand’ using a relatively small statistics (<100 modules) TOB: the same TEC: cuts are not fully defined (9 different geometries) Proposal for rmsnoise from Karlsruhe(J.Fernandes) :Gaussian sigma cuts and Aachen(T.Franke) : ‘by hand’ We have to agree on that and other variables now!
II. Module Lt test in the cold box The task force algorithms are used. TIB has large statistics , slightly modified ARC cuts, Same cuts for cold and warm test. 2)TOB same as TIB (more then 100 modules tested) 3) TEC (about 60 modules tested in total) can be enough to define cut, not done yet. Need more analysis on the Cold operation. Special case: defect seen only at cold.
III. Structure Longterm test (Petals and RODs).LtStruct Different test topology(optocomponents, environments) Different file format The test scenario is not yet defined. Will use DefectAnalyser. Only one Petal is assembled , more RODS (6?) not enough statistics to define selection criteria. Reduce number of tests (save testing time) Qualification of AOH Qualification of structures in whole (gradation) CentralDb action tables.
TEC(TOB) cuts for ARC and Lt Proposal: -analyze all available ARC data (with DefectAnalyser) -Define defect selection efficiency E and fake defect contamination C. -Make a cuts scan and find a ‘working’ point for each defect(variable). -Agree on variables list (noise,Acal.PeakTime,Bplane,LED etc) WHO? WHEN?
LtStruct test 1) Test scenario (obligatory tests repeated at warm,cold,warm) OptoScan (12 minutes for petal 28 modules) TimeTune (5min) PedRun (all apv modes) (7 min each) CalProf pekinvon mode (1.5 hours) IVRun (2h –has to be optimised) LatRun peakinvon (2h) (ForwardBias for Pinholes) One T cycle with tests (12 hours) Can be much longer in case of DAQ/i2c errors!
2) AOH qualification variables: Atickmark /Baseline after TimeTune at warm and cold. Normalization of all data (noise, Acal)to the Atickmarks allows to use absolute cuts. 3) Module related defects. Same algorithms as for the ARC/LT. Cross calibration of modules tested with ARC/Lt/LtStruct. 4) The whole Structure qualification. Comments before: Need a test quality definition! (since LtStructure setup is complicated) if CMN, Nerorrs>max, Temp.
Structure grading criteria -Nbad modules (modules with nbadch>Nmax, CMN>max) -NbadAOH (Atick/baseline >< Nmax/min) -Nerrors ; daq and i2c errors >Nmax -I leak hvgroup >Imax (defined for each group) -Temparture map (from DCU) is in the defined range -etc Should be in DefectAnalyser Db action table and variables Check the proposal
Task list: ARC TEC cuts: J.Fernandes, T.Franke?, L.Neckerman?,Pierre van Hove? LT TEC(TOB) cuts: Lionel,Pierre, Wim? LtStruct test scenario and analysis: V.Zhukov, J.Lamb? LtStruct Db: J.Fernandes?