Lithuanian plants
Lithuanian forests is one of the most important elements of the biosphere. According to 2012, the area was 2173 thousand hectares and occupied 33.3 % of the country's territory. The total wood volume amounts to 501.3 million m³. More than half of all forests in Lithuania is coniferous, among them there is pine. Forest area in Lithuania is increasing, in the last 10 years forest increased by 2 %. In Lithuania grow birches, oaks, pines, july- tree, maple, spruce, rowan, alder, alnus, pussy-willow and more.
Birch Oak July- tree Pines
Wild flowers
Meadow flowers or fields of flowers - the natural environment (meadows, riverside) plants with decorative features are suitable for bouquets. Many medow flowers are not as decorative as grown in the cultural areas.
Lithuania wild flowers is pansy, lily of the valley, snowdrops, dandelion, cornflower, poppy and more.
Cornflower Poppy Pansy Snowdrops
Decorative flowers
Flower is a plant that has esthetic value because of decorative leaves or blossoms. Most of the flowers are herbaceous plants or shrubs.
Lithuanian decorative flowers are roses, tulips, orchids, dahlias, daffodils, daisy, rhododendron and others.
Roses Daffodils Orchids Tulips
The shrub is a woody, short-lived plant, experiencing approximately 100 years of age, depending on the plant species and other factors influencing it. Usually shrubs grow from 0.8 to 6 m tall. While assigned to the hazelnut bushes can grow from 3-8 m to 10-15 m.
In Lithuania growing shrubs are nut-tree, dog-rose, peony, holly, cotoneaster, jasmine and more.
Nut-tree Jasmine Dog-rose Holly
Lithuania has three species: coniferous, deciduous and mixed Lithuania has three species: coniferous, deciduous and mixed. Lithuanian forest diversity (a few examples): spruce, birch, alder, oak.
Around my school grows birch, chestnuts, apple-tree, july-tree, maple, tulips, daffodils, pansy, roses, daisy and another trees, flowers.
Thanks for watching Miglė Pilipavičiūtė and Emilija Valantinavičiūtė 7b.