Safer Care Homes Collaborative Use this template to submit your report. Replace items in angle-brackets <> with your own text. Feel free to embellish this template to reflect the ‘personality’ of your team! Feel free to personalise this slide deck by adding your own details, copies of resources used etc. - you may even want to add photos. Use this report to reflect the actions you have taken and the progress you have made. Delete these notes from the finished product. Safer Care Homes Collaborative Your image here <Care Home/Team Name> <Date of report>
Team Profile: <name> ROLE TEAM MEMBER ABOUT OUR CARE HOME <Briefly describe your care home>
Current & Upcoming PDSAs List here the most important process changes you have tested this month using PDSA cycles and list those you plan to carry out soon. In the change tested column please go into detail about your change: What, how, when, where, who? Current & Upcoming PDSAs CHANGE TESTED “DO” DATE PREDICTION & RESULTS NEXT STEPS
Key activity In the month of ____ we: Use this slide to give a general overview of your progress during this past month. Use this slide to expand on your key activity. Key activity In the month of ____ we: made the following key achievements learnt the following about improvement and the system we’re improving uncovered the following barriers we need to address
Our Improvement Progress Using the scale, decide at which stage your team is currently placed. Comments: Are you where you want/expect to be at this time? Where do you want to be on the scale? What will help you to get there? Our Improvement Progress Planning Intention to participate Local focus area chosen Tests planned Refined testing Multiple PDSA’s initiated Learning from testing No improvement in figures yet Modest improvement Repeated PDSA testing per change idea We think improvement is happening Significant improvement Data shows significant improvement in at least 1 driver/area Change ideas have been refined through repeated PDSA testing, At least one change idea has been implemented, e.g. business as usual Sustained improvement Multiple change ideas have been implemented Improved figures from prior stage have been sustained Data shows significant improvement in multiple drivers/areas Started testing PDSA in progress for at least 1 driver/area Data being captured Improvement Data shows improvement in at least 1 driver/ area PDSA testing for multiple drivers/areas Outstanding sustainable improvement All proven change ideas have been implemented Data shows all aims have been met and sustained STAGE COMMENTS
Improvement progress rating* Key Activity Metrics Feb Mar Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Improvement progress rating* PDSAs started in month Times the group met *Use the scale from the previous slide to determine this.