Sports Trauma and Overuse Prevention
How to Diagnose Overuse: Perspectives for Athlete, Parent and Coach Persistent pain with activity Timing – often with increase in workouts Decreased desire to practice - burnout Change in technique Nighttime pain Swelling Numbness
How to Diagnose Overuse: Perspectives for Athlete, Parent and Coach Athletes’ perspective Pain that persists until the next day’s workout Can’t perform at usual level Technique suffers – loss of accuracy or form Dead-arm sensation, heaviness or numbness
How to Diagnose Overuse: Perspectives for Athlete, Parent and Coach Parents’ perspective Complains (more than usual) Loss of motivation – athlete doesn’t want to go to practice More often occurs around periods of increased activity (two-a-day workouts, increased running or swimming mileage, more throws) Early season when athlete is not in optimal fitness
How to Diagnose Overuse: Perspectives for Athlete, Parent and Coach Coaches’ perspective Early season when athlete is not in optimal fitness More often occurs around periods of increased activity (two-a-day workouts, increased running or swimming mileage, more throws) Change in technique or form