Cyber Quest 2016 Cyber Quest 2017 Coordinated Working Group (CWG) #1 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Cyber Quest 2017 Coordinated Working Group (CWG) #1 6-8 DEC 2016 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY
Agenda CG feedback – Functional Leaders Vendor List and Sponsorship 28th – CDID Dir Meeting – Decision making for what’s in and what’s out – WHY? How to scale appropriately Planning for 2018, 2019, 2020 kick-off in Feb 2017 29th – Cyber Blitz Complementary but need to deconflict (dates, focus, objectives, messaging) Need to outline clear purpose, similarities, differences, linkages and outcomes Looking ahead – 9th or 13th Dec CG and Principal staff IPR Functional leaders identified TRADOC/CCOE TASKORDERS Draft horse blanket Scope, focus, and objectives for CQ 17 Major resource requirements for CQ 17 Functional Leaders Need to begin mission planning for CQ 17 TRADOC and CCOE Taskorders (awaiting CCOE G-3 planning kickoff) DRAFT due by 9/13th Dec Vendor List and Sponsorship CNA Gap -> AWfC -> LD -> EEA -> (Experimentation objectives, data collection requirements, methodology, Use Cases etc.) CWG# 1: Goals and Outcomes Technical questions -> Our Brief back and verification – Initial Plan Build “Draft Horse Blanket” for experiment; Excursions; Lab Coat testing; & Non-supported Date and location – 6 – 8 Dec 0830 – 1700
General Information CCOE hosts Cyber Quest (CQ) 2017 Coordinated Working Group #1 meeting, 6 – 8 Dec 2016, Augusta Marriott at the Convention Center, 2 10th St, Augusta, GA 30901; Phone: (706) 722-8900. Attendees: Industry and Academic organizations that were selected to demonstrate technologies during CQ 2017; Industry Representatives that can address technical questions about their technology and make commitments for future participation in planning, integration and execution events. Government organizations that are sponsoring technologies or providing support to the experimentation environment.
CWG #1 Objectives Brief organizations on the administrative, legal and technical requirements and suspense dates; Highlight key experiment events, dates, and milestones; Produce a “horse blanket” or Experiment Construct that delineates operational roles and responsibilities of each sponsored technology; Produce draft network architecture diagram that addresses classification and placement of each sponsored technology; Identify vendors that will participate as technical excursions (as applicable); Identify technology training requirements; Identify critical resource shortfalls that will prevent CQ execution.
Location: Augusta Marriott at the Convention Center CWG #1 Agenda Location: Augusta Marriott at the Convention Center 6 DEC 2016 SESSION TOPIC LOCATION 0830 - 0850 Registration TBD 0850 – 0900 Agenda Review for 6 – 8 DEC 0900 - 1100 Raptor X/Thunderstorm Integration Discussion (EW vendors) 1100 – 1200 Raptor X/Thunderstorm Integration Discussion (EW SU vendors) 0900 - 1200 TCM EW/TR Vendor Discussion Group TCM Cyber/N&S Vendor Discussion Group 1200 – 1330 Lunch 1330 – 1700 TCM EW/TR Vendor Discussion Group Raptor X/Thunderstorm Integration Discussion (EW SU vendors continued)
Location: Augusta Marriott at the Convention Center CWG #1 Agenda Location: Augusta Marriott at the Convention Center Oglethorpe Room 7 DEC 2016 SESSION TOPIC BRIEFER 0830 – 0900 Welcome/Opening Remarks/Introductions LTC Zimmerman 0900 - 0930 CWG #1 Objectives, Agenda and Cyber Quest Overview MAJ Roberts Experiment Timeline / Schedule MAJ Stannard 0930 - 1000 Documentation Requirements (VDA, DD 1494) Mr. Carney ATEC Safety Release Procedures 1000 – 1030 Break 1030 - 1130 Network Architecture Discussion CW4 Westbrook Data Systems Architecture Discussion Sean Anderson 1130 – 1300 LUNCH
Location: Augusta Marriott at the Convention Center CWG #1 Agenda Location: Augusta Marriott at the Convention Center 7 DEC 2016 SESSION TOPICS LOCATION 1300 – 1700 TCM EW/TR Vendor Discussion Group TBD TCM Cyber/N&S Vendor Discussion Group Break out Session Opportunities: TBD Thunderstorm Integration Training Requirements 1800 NO HOST SOCIAL TBD
Location: Augusta Marriott at the Convention Center CWG #1 Agenda Location: Augusta Marriott at the Convention Center 8 DEC 2016 SESSION TOPIC LOCATION 0830 – 1130 TCM EW/TR Vendor Discussion Group TBD TCM Cyber/N&S Vendor Discussion Group 1130 – 1300 Lunch 1300 – 1400 Draft Experiment Construct presentation to CQ participants TBD Draft Network Architecture Diagram presentation to CQ participants 1400 – 1600 Network Breakout Discussion TBD DCGS-A participation/Classification of Network DCO Maneuver Baseline Discussion BDP/GDI integration