MCJROTC OPEN HOUSE Senior Marine Instructor – CWO5 Paul Robinson Marine Instructor - GySgt Kenneth Jones
Behavior in mcjrotc program Cadets must abide by program rules as well as school rules. Parents received conduct policy. Consistent improper behavior are grounds for dismissal from the program.
success Our goal is to set a highest standards of leadership in preparing our Cadets for the many challenges they will be face with in up coming years . Such as: - Finding employment - Communicating with others - Becoming a productive citizen - Preparing for College
Grooming standards Grooming standards are the same as for Marines. All males must shave and have the appropriate military haircut, unless there is a medical excuse. All uniforms are provided. All uniforms are to be returned cleaned when Cadet complete the program. All standards must be maintain to participate
Participation and Integrity Integrity is having good character and to always do the right thing. All Cadets should practice this trait. Cadets that do not participate in program activities, will not be allowed to engaged in the scheduled outings.
participation All Cadets “must” participate in the extracurricular activities that the program offers. This will assist in making the program stronger. Such as: Drill Team - Honor Guard Rifle Team - Parades Fundraisers - Color Guard Flag - CIL Toys for Tots
Drill team Rifle team Cadets have the opportunity to participate on the JROTC drill team. Practice is after school 3 to 4 days a week. Competitions are on the weekend. Some competitions allow the team to travel out of state. Cadets have the opportunity to try out for the JROTC rifle team. Practice is after school 2 days a week. Most rifle matches are held after school hours. Some rifle matches allow the team to travel out of state.
Cadet leadership camp Leadership camp allows Cadets to demonstrate their leadership skill, and build camaraderie with other Cadets. It also allows them to develop better problem solving skills. All Cadets that are planning to remain in MCJROTC while in high school, will be required to attend at least one camp.
Upcoming events 7 Sept - Labor Day Parade in Douglasville. Cadets participating is exempt from uniform inspection that week. 3-4 Oct, Marine Reserve Base, Windy Hill Rd Marietta Ga. 9-11 Oct, Patriots Point, S.C., University of South Carolina JROTC, and Citadel Military College. 6,7,8 November - Christmas in Lithia 14 Nov – Marine Corps Ball at The Centre at Arbor Place. Approx. $20 per person. Parents and Siblings are invited at the same cost.
Cadet of the month The program do offer the Cadet of the Month award. The incentives include: - a plaque - name on Cadet of the Month board - a goody bag - $25 cash
Incentives Incentives for completing the four year pathway in JROTC: - Graduation Cord - Medallions - Senior Dinner
Cadet activity fee All Cadets will be required to pay an initial activity fee of $40.00 their first year. Subsequent fee of $25.00 for every year they participate in the JROTC program thereafter. The fees will be used to offset the cost of the following items provided to the Cadet: - Cadet P/T Gear - Cadet Uniforms Items - Cadet Spirit T-Shirt - Uniform Care - Cadet Picnic - Cadet Field Trip (providing Cadet qualify to attend, i.e. behavior, grades) - Marine Corps Ball NOTE: Cadets will not be allowed to participate in JROTC extracurricular activities if the activity fee is not paid.
FUNDRAISER Donation fundraiser – Sept /Oct Cookie Dough/Bread – Oct/November Candy Sale – Jan/Feb Cookie Dough/Rifle Team/Drill Team Donation Fundraiser for Cadet Leadership Camp
SCHOOL/MCJROTC WEBSITE The MCJROTC webpage is located on the LSHS Website. First, go to clubs and organizations. Then click on MCJROTC. There you can see the calendar of events and documents you may need to download.
Thank you We would like to thank everyone for attending. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Semper Fi!