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Chapter 16- The Rise of Industrial America 1865-1900
In your Writing Notebook, date and title Views on Big Business In your Writing Notebook, date and title
The Bosses of the Senate
The Trust Giant’s Point of View “What a funny little government”
Robber Baron or Captain of Industry? late-nineteenth-century industrialists, especially those who overly displayed their wealth Wealthy manipulator of Government, paying corrupt officials to pass laws that support business Squeezing out competition unfairly-creating monopolies and then enacting unfair rates or prices on consumers Exploiters of the working class- who pay the workers as little as possible and make huge profits “Industrial Statesman” Capitalist leaders helped the country They deserve the riches they create They provide progress, jobs, drive technology "Millionaires are the bees that make the most honey and contribute most to the hive even after they have gorged themselves full."--Andrew Carnegie In Economics, a monopoly (from Greek monos , alone or single + polein , to sell) exists when a specific individual or enterprise has sufficient control over a particular product or service to determine significantly the terms on which other individuals shall have access to it
What ideas/events support the view of these industrialists as ROBBER BARONS? What ideas/events support the view of these industrialists as CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY?
Industry What factors allowed industrial growth in the Gilded Age? Which was the most important? Least?
Railroads Why developed? Workers? Effect of RR on national market? Land Grants Subsidies Workers? Effect of RR on national market?
This comes from a play called “The Chinese Must Go:” A Farce in Four Acts by Henry Grimm, published in San Francisco, 1879. In just the first page, you will be able to see many of the common stereotypes of Chinese immigrants in the 19th century.
Industrial Empires Vertical v horizontal integration What impact did big business have on the economy and politics? How did Americans respond to these changes? Interstate Commerce Act Sherman Antitrust Effectiveness? Why?
Laissez Faire Adam Smith Social Darwinism v Gospel of Wealth v Social Gospel Philanthropy- Carnegie
Social Darwinism Gospel of Wealth Social Gospel Social Darwinism Gospel of Wealth Social Gospel Leaders Views on wealth Views on the poor Major beliefs Impact on society
To what extent was capitalism a major aspect of American identity from the Revolutionary Era through the Gilded Age?
Technology and Innovations Compare and Contrast the impact of post Civil War innovation to that of the pre-Civil War market revolution. Consumerism Horatio Alger Myth Middle Class
Labor Did the government have an obligation to step in and help labor? How would Adam Smith answer this question? What were the complaints of labor? What were the strategies? Important labor unions? National Labor Union (all workers- skilled and unskilled, ag and indus) Knights of Labor (all workers- women, black) -Haymarket bombing AF of L- Gompers (skilled workers)