[RR-TAG Liaison Report to 802.22] July 2009 [RR-TAG Liaison Report to 802.22] Date: 2009-07-16 Peter Murray Self employed Westfield NJ 908-232-9054 petermurr@mac.com Peter Murray
IEEE 802.18 Activities Discussed of the EN 300 328 changes July 2009 IEEE 802.18 Activities Discussed of the EN 300 328 changes 802.11 Regulatory Ad Hoc will work with 802.15 for input to ERM TG11 Reviewed four documents from 802.16 for submittal to the ITU-R WP-5D/5A Ofcom update on the Digital Dividend Discussion of WG SE21 work item on out of band emissions from weather radars Peter Murray
July 2009 EN 300 328 v1.8.1 December 2007 ERM TG11 began a work item to write v1.8.1 of EN 300 328 Applications limited to 10mW TX power under EN 300 440 want to be able to operate at 100mW Radio control model vendors Industrial controls manufacturers 802.15.4g (Smart Utilities Networks) Wireless speaker systems Meetings were dominated by the non-RLAN entities Application-specific text was being added to the specification Over time the document was becoming a “telephone book” Decision was made to develop a “Medium Utilization” (MU) formula that would cover non-LBT applications Peter Murray
Medical Body Area Network (MBAN) July 2009 Medical Body Area Network (MBAN) IEEE 802.15 WPAN Task Group 6 was formed to define a standard for Body Area Networks 1. On June 29, 2009 the Commission issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, under ET Docket 08-59, in which the Commission seeks comment on allocating spectrum and establishing service and technical rules for the operation of Medical Body Area Network (MBAN) systems using body sensor devices. A response document 18-09-0077r3 contribution was approved. Peter Murray
ITU-R 802.16 had 4 Liaison reply documents for WP-5A/5D July 2009 ITU-R 802.16 had 4 Liaison reply documents for WP-5A/5D https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/09/18-09-0083-01-0000-update-of-clause-5-6.doc https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/09/18-09-0084-00-0000-final-ieee-references.doc https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/09/18-09-0085-01-0000-itu-r-wp5a-response-m-2116.doc https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/09/18-09-0086-01-0000-imt-advanced-workshop-participation.doc All were approved for forwarding to the EC Peter Murray
July 2009 References 18-09-0058-01-0000-contribution-to-itu-r-wp-5d-regarding-document-5d-422 18-09-0057-01-0000-contribution-to-itu-r-wp-5d-regarding-document-5d-421 18-09-0059-00-0000-ofcom-update-on-the-digital-dividend 18-09-0064-00-0000-ofcom-update-on-the-short-range-devices 18-09-0062-00-0000-ofcom-srd-update 18-09-0068-00-0000-fcc-09-31-comments Peter Murray