Who remembers when the science test is?????? Be ready for science! Take out your personal white board and marker to review for the science test.. Who remembers when the science test is??????
I am the stage that begins the life cycle of a plant where wind, water, animals or humans move me to the soil. A. Germination- Starts to sprout B. Mature/adult plant- makes new seeds C. Seed D. Seedling- tiny plant E. Pollination
I am the state that needs insects to go from flower to flower, so I can make more of me. A. Germination- Starts to sprout B. Mature/Adult plant- makes new seeds C. Seed D. Pollination E. Seedling- tiny plant
I am the stage that sprouts above the ground as a young plant with leaves. A. Germination B. Adult plant C. Seed D. Pollination E. Seedling
I am the state that has flowers or fruit I am the state that has flowers or fruit. I create seeds for new plants during this stage A. Germination B. Adult plant C. Seed D. Pollination E. Seedling
I am the state when a seed is planted, and all the needs are met, a small plant will break out of the seed. A. Germination B. Adult plant C. Seed D. Pollination E. Seedling
Why do desert plants store water? A. The water holds up the plant B. The plants are very, very tall and need a lot of water. C. Plants need water and it doesn’t rain much in the desert. D. It keeps the plants warm.
Why are there very tall trees in the rainforest? A. They have deep roots, so they are tall. B. They need to be tall to reach the sun and make food. C. They are tall so many animals can live in them.
Why are there air spaces in stems of plants that grow in the water? A. To hold up the plant in the water B. So that the plants can breathe C. There are no air spaces in their stems
Why do grassland plants have deep roots? A. The roots are deep because the plants are very large. B. To reach water down low. C. To hold up the plant.
Draw a flowering plant. Label all 4 parts.
Did you draw….. 1. Flower 2. Leaves 3. Stem 4. Roots
How do roots help the plant survive? A. They attract bees to pollinate the flower. B. They absorb water and nutrients from the soil. C. They support the plant. D. They absorb sunlight to make food.
How do the leaves help the plant survive? A. They attract bees to pollinate the flower. B. They absorb water and nutrients from the soil. C. They support the plant. D. They absorb sunlight to make food.
How does the flower help the plant survive? A. They attract bees to pollinate the flower. B. They absorb water and nutrients from the soil. C. They support the plant. D. They absorb sunlight to make food.
How does the stem help the plant survive? A. They attract bees to pollinate the flower. B. They absorb water and nutrients from the soil. C. They support the plant and transport water to the leaves. D. They absorb sunlight to make food.
A. She pollinated a plant B. She did nothing important After walking through the woods, Mrs. Moore picked burs off of her sock and dropped them. What did she do by dropping the burs on the ground? A. She pollinated a plant B. She did nothing important C. She left food for animals that live in the forest D. She helped to scatter a plant’s seeds
A flower will bend toward the sunlight. True False
What does a seed need to grow into a mature adult plant? List the 4 things…