Welcome to 5th Grade Open House! 2018 - 2019 Florida State University Schools
Daily Schedule Florida State University Schools 8:00-8:15: Announcements/ Homeroom 8:15-9:00: Special Area 9:00-10:50: Morning Block 10:50-11:15: Recess 11:15-11:35: Lunch (Students will switch classes when they return from lunch.) 11:45-1:30: Afternoon Block 1:30-2:15: P.E. 2:15-2:40: Remainder of Afternoon Block Florida State University Schools
Dismissal Florida State University Schools If there is a change in your child’s transportation, please send a note or e-mail to your child’s teachers early in the day. Car Pick-up: Make sure that the individual picking up your child has a FSUS number tag. This tag MUST be present and match the companion tag in order to pick up the child. Anyone who does not have a tag MUST sign your child out in the front office. Elementary students MUST be picked up on the Elementary side of the school and NOT the Secondary side. Florida State University Schools
Dismissal Florida State University Schools Walkers We understand that some students classified as ‘walkers’ will need to leave campus immediately afterschool to reach their destination (home, parent’s workplace or bus). Written documentation should be submitted for students who will not be picked up from the Elementary area but will be leaving campus immediately. Please be advised that an elementary student walking to the back of the school to be picked up is not considered a walker. Secondary siblings may pick up their Elementary sibling with a car tag when leaving campus immediately, not to wait in another area of the school. Florida State University Schools
Absences Florida State University Schools Call the attendance line if your student is sick and going to be out of school. If you will be out of town, you need to complete a pre-arranged absence form on Blackboard and turn it in to administration 5 days in advance. Students receive two days per excused absence to make up work and are responsible for collecting their work from teachers when they return to school. Florida State University Schools
Tardies Students are marked tardy at 8:01am. Students who are signed out of school early will be marked as “unexcused early tardy,” unless appropriate document is provided. Florida State University Schools
Advisory Florida State University Schools Students will log into FOCUS to review current grades with their homeroom teacher each MONDAY. Students who have grades that are not meeting 5th grade expectations (below 70%) will be marked as “No” for the “Meeting Expectations” portion of their advisory report. Florida State University Schools
Focus Florida State University Schools Families are still encouraged to check FOCUS weekly with student’s Monday Folder. Make sure this information is up to date! (For example: address and email) Please contact Eula Walker for assistance. evwalker@admin.fsu.edu Florida State University Schools
5th Grade Expectations Talk quietly when appropriate and raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. Exercise self-control and follow directions the first time they are given. Always keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. Maintain your student responsibilities and respect others. Florida State University Schools
Citizenship Florida State University Schools Students are expected to follow all classroom and school rules. Students will be rewarded for exceptional behavior. Students who break rules will receive consequences. You will be updated weekly, by way of advisory reports in Monday Folders, of your child’s daily behavior. Weekly advisory reports need to be signed and returned to school on Tuesday. Florida State University Schools
Citizenship Florida State University Schools Student “Citizenship” grades on their report cards will be calculated using marks from the citizenship section of the weekly advisory report forms. 0 – 3 marks = E 4 – 8 marks = S 9 – 12 marks = N 13 or more marks = U Florida State University Schools
If a Student Chooses to Break a Rule… FIRST INCIDENT = Student will sit out of recess for 5 minutes. SECOND INCIDENT = Student will sit out of recess for 10 minutes. THIRD INCIDENT = Student will sit out of recess for 15 minutes OR may be assigned silent lunch. Additionally, the student may be sent to another classroom to reflect on their choices and an administrator may be contacted. This is at the teacher’s discretion. SEVERE INCIDENT = The student will receive a discipline referral and may be sent immediately to the office. This may result in exclusion from class participation, field trips, and special privileges. INCOMPLETE WORK = Students who have not completed all of their work may be asked to finish it during study hall or recess time. Florida State University Schools
Study Skills Florida State University Schools Student “Study Skills” grades on their report cards will be calculated using marks from the study skills (homework) section of the weekly advisory report forms. 0 – 3 marks = E 4 – 6 marks = S 7 – 8 marks = N 9 or more marks = U Florida State University Schools
Dress Code Florida State University Schools BOTTOM ATTIRE: All pants, shorts, and skirts are to be secured and worn at the waist. A belt is required if the pants have loops. Hemlines for shorts, skirts and dresses must be longer than fingertips. Appropriate length (5 inches above the knee or longer than fingertips) Shorts, dress, shirt or skirt must be worn over any tights, yoga, leggings, stretch, or any pant without a zipper. TOP ATTIRE: Shirts must be 3 fingers wide at the top of the shoulder. No shirts that fall off the shoulder. No bare back or midriff shirts/dresses. No low cut necklines that show any cleavage. No tops that show undergarment straps. Shirts that are obscene or inappropriate as deemed by the administration will not be allowed. Florida State University Schools
Dress Code Continued… SHOES: K-5- Students need to wear sneakers (tennis shoes) everyday. Please consult the FSUS Student Code of Conduct for the full dress code. Any clothing deemed obscene or inappropriate by school administration will not be allowed. Students who are out of dress code will be sent to administration and may receive consequences. Florida State University Schools
Standardized Testing February 2019 Writing FSA May 2019 ELA FSA Math FSA Science FCAT 2.0 Florida State University Schools
Pupil Progression Plan Promotion of students in Fifth Grade will be determined by teacher judgment and the recommendation of the school site administrator which may be based on the following indicators: Master each Florida Standard at 70% or greater in ELA and Mathematics. STAR Reading Assessment Scores Read with accuracy and fluency, and demonstrate written expression equal to fifth grade end-of-year expectations. Score Level 2 or higher on both FSA Reading and Mathematics. Florida State University Schools
Field trips Florida State University Schools Oct.4th/5th- Florida Caverns (Marianna, FL) Nov.15th- Agrirama (Tifton, GA) Jan. 24th/25th - Challenger Center (Tallahassee, FL) March 7th/8th - Joe Budd (Midway, FL) April 25th – Pebble Hill Plantation (Thomasville, GA) May 16th – Wild Adventures (Valdosta, GA) Florida State University Schools
Conferences Please see the Sign-Up Genius link on your homeroom teacher’s class website! Florida State University Schools
Any questions, comments, concerns??? We want to always ensure that the lines of communication between home and school remain very open. Please feel free to contact us, EMAIL IS ALWAYS BEST! If you have a specific question, please direct your question to the appropriate subject area teacher. Florida State University Schools
Teacher Contact Information Mrs. Crowe – ELA/SS – scrowe@fsu.edu Mrs. Rosenbaum– Science – nancy.rosenbaum@fsu.edu Mrs. Ransom– Math – rransom@fsu.edu Mr. Valdes – ELA/SS – zvaldes@fsu.edu THANK YOU FOR COMING! Florida State University Schools