Indran Naidoo (UNDP) SO1 Vice Chair Strategic objective 1 Evaluation functions & products of UN entities meet the UNEG Norms and Standards for evaluation Indran Naidoo (UNDP) SO1 Vice Chair
Professionalisation sub-group Conveners Judita Jankovic (ICAO) Andrea Cook (UNFPA) Peer Review sub-group Conveners Margareta de Goys (UNIDO) Helen Wedgwood (WFP) SO1 Vice Chair Indran Naidoo (UNDP) Norms and Standards sub-group Conveners Amir Piric (UNESCO) Masahiro Igarashi (FAO)
Professionalisation Sub-Group The Professionalization of Evaluation sub-group of the UN Evaluation Group (UNEG) was formed with the goal of helping to advance the profession of evaluation in the UN. The UNEG effort to professionalize evaluation is a particularly relevant and timely contribution in building momentum towards the 2015 International Year of Evaluation and the post-2015 agenda Key activities of the Professionalisation sub-group in the past year include the following: Study and analysis on professionalisation; Policy Options identified
Peer Review reports are available at: Peer Review Sub-group Key activities and deliverables: In 2014, three peer reviews were completed: WFP, GEF and UN Women. Three peer reviews are scheduled to take place in 2015: ITC, UNODC and UNRWA. The Sub-group will present the following products at the AGM: Management response in relation to recommendations of the Lessons Learned Study of Peer Reviews of UNEG Evaluation Functions Guidance on the peer review Proposal of the Peer Review funding mechanism Peer Review reports are available at:
Norms and Standards sub-group Progress update on the revision of the UNEG Norms and Standards will be presented at the AGM A follow-up process will be organized to follow up on the agreed AGM suggestions, reviewing specific aspects of the Norms and Standards