action Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word to learn this week is action. Say it with me: action. An action is something that someone does. When we move we are doing actions. Raising your hand is an action. Drawing a picture is an action. Even sleeping is an action! 2. En español, action quiere decir “acción, algo que alguien hace.” El movernos es una acción. Alzar la mano es una acción. Hacer un dibujo es una acción. ¡Hasta dormir es una acción! 3. Action in English and acción in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word action. Look at the children in the picture. They run. They splash. They walk. The things they do are actions. MOVEMENT 5. We will play Follow the Leader. I will do an action. You will copy the action. We will say what we are doing. (March in place.) This action is marching. (Continue with actions such as hopping, skipping, jumping, and waving.) 6. People who make movies say “Action!” when they want the actors to start acting. They say “Cut!“ when they want the actors to stop. You will pretend to be actors. I will tell you what to do. When I say “Action!” start acting. Be an actor who is walking a dog. Action! (Pause) Cut! Be an actor who is washing dishes. Action! (Pause) Cut! (Continue with a few other actions.) 7. Now let’s say action together three more times: action, action, action. action
compare Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is compare. Say it with me: compare. To compare means “to think about what is the same and different between two things.” I can compare you and me. We are the same because we are both part of [name] school. We are different because you are students and I am a teacher. 2. En español, to compare quiere decir “comparar.” Al comparar, miramos las similitudes y las diferencias entre dos cosas. Puedo hacer comparaciones entre ustedes y yo. Somos iguales porque estamos en la misma escuela. Somos diferentes porque ustedes son estudiantes y yo soy maestro. 3. To compare in English and comparar in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. PARTNER TALK 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word compare. Look at the four animals. Let’s compare them. What is the same about them? They are all dogs. They have black and white fur. What is different about them? They are different sizes. Two have spots, and two do not. 5. I will put the photo of the dogs where you can see it. You and your partner will compare the dogs. Take turns naming ways the dogs are the same. Name as many ways as you can. Then take turns naming ways the dogs are different. 6. I will give each partner one minute to tell things he or she likes to play. Then I will give you time to compare what you and your partner share. Find things you like to play that are the same and things you like to play that are different. 7. Now let’s say compare together three more times: compare, compare, compare. compare
content Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 3 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is content. Say it with me: content. Content means “happy or pleased.” I like it when you learn a lot and we have fun in school. Then I feel content. 2. En español, content quiere decir “contento, satisfecho.” Cuando alguien está contento, se siente feliz. Yo me siento contenta cuando ustedes aprenden mucho y nos divertimos. Estoy satisfecha. 3. Content in English and contento in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. PARTNER TALK 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word content. See the girl in the picture. She has just picked a big basket of berries. She is pleased that she did a good job. She is happy that she has fresh berries to eat. The girl is content. 5. Draw a picture of yourself when you feel content. Make your face show that you are content. Show what is making you feel content. Share and talk about your picture with your partner. 6. Think about things children like to do on summer days. Make up the name of a child. Tell your partner what that imaginary child does to feel content on a summer day. 7. Now let’s say content together three more times: content, content, content. content
gentle Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is gentle. Say it with me: gentle. Gentle means “being careful and kind with someone or something.” We need to be gentle when we hold a baby animal so we don’t hurt it. 2. En español, gentle quiere decir “de manera suave o delicada, con cuidado.” Hay que tartar con cuidado a un animalito recién nacido para no lastimarlo. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word gentle. We see two women playing with a little baby. They are touching the baby softly. They are talking with quiet voices. They are being gentle with the baby. MOVEMENT 4. We will pretend to play with a tiny puppy. Act out how you would touch and play with a puppy. Remember to be gentle. 5. I am going to pretend to give each of you a very special glass vase. This is a vase that could break very easily. I want you to pretend to take the vase from me and put it on this table. Show us how gentle you would be with the glass. 6. Now let’s say gentle together three more times: gentle, gentle, gentle. gentle
pounces Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 5 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is pounces. Say it with me: pounces. To pounce means “to jump toward something to try to catch it.” The cat pounces on its toys. 2. En español, to pounce quiere decir “lanzarse sobre algo con la intención de agarrarlo.” El gato se lanza sobre sus juguetes. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word pounce. This kitten is jumping up. He sees something he wants, and he will pounce on it and catch it. MOVEMENT 4. I am going to put a marker in front of each of you. Pretend you are an animal and the marker is something you want. Crouch down low like this. (Demonstrate.) Now pounce forward like this to get the marker. (Demonstrate or describe what you want children to do.) 5. We will say a rhyme you might know, but we will say it a different way. Say the words I say and do the actions I do. (Have children form a circle holding hands and walk around in a circle as they chant.) Ring around the rosie. Pocket full of posy. Watch me. Watch me I’ll pounce now! (Jump forward in a pouncing motion.) 6. Now let’s say pounces together three more times: pounces, pounces, pounces. pounces
put on Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK 1. In English, we use the phrase put on to tell about getting dressed or putting clothing on our bodies. Say it with me: put on. In winter, we put on warm clothing. We put on coats, hats, and gloves. 2. En español, to put on quiere decir “ponerse una prenda de ropa.” En el invierno, nos ponemos ropa abrigada. Nos ponemos un abrigo, un gorro y guantes. 3. This picture shows the phrase put on. The adult is helping the girl put on a costume. The girl is putting on a flower costume. She must be in a show! CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I will name some things. If they are things you can put on, say “Put on.” If they are not things you can put on, say “No.” hat box pants socks game sweater chair coat 5. We will act out putting on a piece of clothing. Then we will say what we did. (Lead children in acting out putting on gloves.) We put on gloves. (Continue with other articles of clothing.) 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: put on, put on, put on. put on
eat up Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK 1. In English, we use the phrase eat up to mean that we finish a food. Say it with me: eat up. At lunchtime, if I’m really hungry, I eat up my whole sandwich quickly. 2. En español, to eat up quiere decir “comérselo todo.” En el almuerzo, si tengo mucha hambre, me como todo mi sándwich. 3. This picture shows the phrase eat up. The children in the picture are eating lunch. After a busy morning at school they must be very hungry. In no time at all, all their lunch will be eaten up. Yum! PARTNER TALK 4. Draw a picture of something you like to eat up for breakfast or lunch. Show your partner. Tell him or her what you eat up for breakfast or lunch. 5. Think of healthful foods you like. Include fruits and vegetables! You and your partner will take turns telling favorite foods. Use the sentence: When I have __________, I eat it up! 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: eat up, eat up, eat up. eat up
stretch Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. stretch
yawn Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. yawn
sharpen Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. sharpen
scratch Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. scratch
climb Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. climb
blink Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. blink
Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 1 ROUTINE Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.