Contractor Safety Forum OSH Presentation January 16, 2018 Lion’s Hall Chalk River UNRESTRICTED / ILLIMITÉE UNRESTRICTED / ILLIMITÉ
Contractor Safety Forum Injuries To CNL Employees and Contractors Since April 1, 2017 UNRESTRICTED / ILLIMITÉE
Contractor Safety Forum
Contractor Safety Forum
Contractor Safety Forum
Contractor Safety Forum Contractor Injuries Since November 7, 2017 Date Event Injury Type Dec 14, 2017 Contractor tripped over their feet while looking for traffic on the Street, fell forward and suffered a left ankle injury. First Aid Dec 12, 2017 Contractor was cutting fence post T-bar with a grinder. The grinder kicked back and hit right side of face (chin area) resulting in two deep open wounds Medical Treatment Dec 11, 2017 While contractor was taking garbage to a dumpster, took a step on uneven ground and felt pain in their right ankle. Dec 4, 2017 While removing tape from side of building, particle from building material entered contractors right eye. Nov 20, 2017 Contractor slipped in snow but did not fall, and strained back muscles. IIR was received in Health Centre 8 days later. Days Away Contractor was working in the soils lab for and cut their finger while crushing an empty glove box for recycling. Nov 16, 2017 Contractor was unpacking cleaning supplies and felt fluid on their right hand. Then noticed fluid draining from a cracked open seam of a container. The worker felt a burning to their hand after cleaned up the floor and chemical. Nov 14, 2017 While using a metal measuring tape, a Contractor received a cut to their right index finger from the edge of the tape. Nov 7, 2017 While the Contractor was drilling into steel (wearing rubber/fabric gloves), the drill bit broke and bent, puncturing the worker's right thumb web.
Contractor Safety Forum
Contractor Safety Forum OPEX Truck roll-over in front of B532 While backing up the rear tires of the truck caught on the outside of the roadway resulting in a roll-over. The driver was wearing a seatbelt and sustained no injuries. There was minor damage to the outside of the Bldg. and to the Truck. Deep River Police and Fire crew did respond at the time of the report. A tow-truck was also called to right the truck and remove it to determine how extensive the damage is. Actions Stand-down and meeting with all drivers; importance of wearing seat-belt Markers placed along road edge Truck removed and is waiting determination.
Contractor Safety Forum Introduce Matt Naismith BEI
Contractor Safety Forum “The Ask”: Always wear your seatbelts while travelling in any moving vehicle or equipment. Do not park on the Controlled Area Entrance Road (In front of the Caf). Keep reporting all injuries and near misses to your CNL Contact (Sponsor). Keep investigating injuries and sharing your findings with us. Keep you ISN Subscriptions in good standing Share with us your ideas and suggestions. Keep coming to the Forums!
If you have an issue with safety at CNL and you cannot resolve it; Dennis Murphy Director OSH Phone ext - #42837 Cell 613 639-4310