Growing Resistance
EQ Were the colonists justified in resisting British policies after the French and Indian War?
Was it unfair of England to expect their colonies in America to pay a tax to support the government?
Townshend Acts New York’s assembly was suspended until they agreed to house troops Taxed paper, glass, paint, lead and tea
Writs of Assistance British soldiers were given permission to enter homes or businesses with writs of assistance (search warrants)
“Let these truths be… impressed on our minds– that we cannot be happy without being free—that we cannot be free without being secure in our property– that we cannot be secure in our property if without our consent others may… take it away– that taxes imposed on us by Parliament do thus take it away– that duties laid for the sole purpose of raising money are taxes– that attempts to lay such duties should be instantly and firmly opposed.” John Dickinson
What does Dickinson mean when he says, “that we cannot be happy without being free” What do you think the over all message John Dickinson is trying to say?
Protesting Again Boycotts against the Townshend Acts start again Samuel Adams encouraged colonists to continue to resist British control Because of the protesting and resentment towards Britain, officials asked for more troops to protect the colonies
Boston Massacre Define massacre. A brutal slaughter of people Many people murdered Cruel ways of murder Innocent people murdered
Boston Massacre continued Redcoats (British Soldiers) wanted more money on top of their salary for being a soldier Worked colonial jobs at lower rates causing colonists to become upset Finally tensions exploded on March 5, 1770 when Crispus Attucks among others traded insults with the Redcoats and violence breaks out. Redcoats murdered Crispus and 4 others. America the Story of Us (18:30-29:14)
Those murdered in the massacre were seen as martyrs for freedom The redcoats that murdered Crispus and the other 4 were found not guilty. They said they were acting in self-defense The Boston Massacre represents the tyranny of England
Tea Act The day of the Boston Massacre the Townshend Acts were repealed, except for the Tea Act America the Story of US(30:45-32:24)
EQ Were the colonists justified in resisting British policies after the French and Indian War? Are the citizens of the United States Justified in there protests of police brutality, election results, or any of the reasons they protest?