How to Read Comics Follow a Z pattern on the page Can use “guided view” electronically
Types of Narratives Simple narrative Complex narrative Braided narrative Proliferating narrative ONE CHARACTER TWO OR MORE CHARACTERS
Constant dynamic between what IS SHOWN and what COULD BE SHOWN. Encapsulation Constant dynamic between what IS SHOWN and what COULD BE SHOWN. Creators reduce the story to moments on a page through encapsulation, and readers expand the isolated moments into a narrative. However, encapsulation and expansion processes do not always result in the same imagined story.
Composition Page layout is important to visual storytelling Layout more like camera view than storyboard Superman v Batman: mise-en scene v splash page
TOP HAT Homework Question 1 Questions 2 and 3 Using the comics that you purchased, identify the TYPE OF NARRATIVE in one of them. Be sure to include the title of the comic book. CONDUCT AN EXTERNAL ANALYSIS of your narrative. CONDUCT AN INTERNAL ANALYSIS using the encapsulation OR composition elements in the narrative.
STORY ARtifacTS Narrative Paradigm Fidelity Plot logic that confirms/disrupts our belief in orderly society Character motivations that confirm/deny our assumptions about human nature Coherence Inconsistent character behavior (violates canon) Plot that doesn’t fit genre Plot twists that don’t make sense Character visuals that violate canon
STORY ARtifacTS Symbolic Convergence Theory The “Unexpected” Character reboots (new writer, environment, look, etc.) Change in canon/mythos Complex narrative of common plot Use of tropes Dramatizing Messages Fan fiction and cosplay Fanboy collectors Speculators Fanboy websites, blogs, forums
HOW TO MAKE AN ARGUMENT Symbolic convergence theory—creative fandom unexpected (formally sanctioned) triggers dramatizing message (informally sanctioned) leads to fantasy themes (consumers)/chaining (creators) EXTERNAL ANALYSIS—context for the unexpected and the dramatizing message INTERNAL ANALYSIS—fan interviews about the dramatizing message OR fantasy chain ARGUMENT: what does the relationship between the unexpected and the dramatizing message say about power? what does the relationship between dramatizing message and fantasy chain say about power?
THE UNEXPECTED BRAIDED NARRATIVE “I think that one of the things I'm playing with in this series is the occasional reversal of what would be considered "normal" gender roles…. The fact that there is a power balance is rarely acknowledged…. When you're dating someone, sometimes you let them take the reins because… you want to protect their ego, you want to let them have a moment to shine, or you just want to be proud of them taking the reins.” Charles Soule (Newsarama, 2014)
p FANBOY WEBSITE Are you a Superman/Wonder Woman shipper? Do you want to find others like you? Do you want to talk about Kal and Diana, read about them, and write about them? This is your portal to fantastic worlds. Find Fabulous images, stories and so much more …. http://hellyeahsupermanandwonderw