Working with beebit-data
Beebit –Project – The Beebox Temperature sensors
Click on the Diagram and confirm
Click on the Menu tab
Click on Settings
Choose a language
Confirm once again
Click here to select a beehive; Startmenu for the hive
Adjustable factors
Select appropriate factors by clicking the +-buttons
Select the appropriate observation period
Display the diagram
Change the observation period a) Select a section by using the mouse b) Use the scroll-wheel to zoom-in and zoom-out
Select a section by using the mouse
Move cursor over a line to display relevant data
Beware of the time zone! UTC show the worldtime UTC + 2h = CEST UTC + 1h = CET
Change the selection Click on the appropriate size
Change your selection
Change the setting as per your device (PC, Tablet, Smart phone) Strg + Strg - Strg 0
Download the diagram as the excel datasheet
Instructions for teachers The beebit-diagrams run particularly well in the Internet Explorer. Check data periodically before using it in the classroom. Old data are always saved and can be accessed even when the box is offline.