Unit 02 – One World Scenario - DA202 Certificate in Digital Applications – Level 02 Multimedia Showcase – DA202 Unit 02 – One World Scenario - DA202 ICT Dept
Assignment Scenario Assignment Checklist LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 CLIENT PROPOSAL – prepared by One World production company One World is an online project for young people around the world. To take part, each young person must contribute a multimedia showcase of their local community. They will then be able to access other showcases from around the world. You must produce a showcase for the One World Project that gives an idea of what it is like to live in your community. You will create a multimedia showcase that consists of: a splash screen a navigation screen a short movie clip an original video clip an animation.
Assignment Scenario One World Overview: Checklist LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 One World Overview: You will create a multimedia showcase that consists of: a splash screen - this will be a flash animation or hotspot linked image and introduction screen that captures the attention of the user that locates your community within the world a navigation screen – this will include a range of navigation features. a short movie clip – this must be a short movie showing aspects of life in your community A movie clip – showing aspects of life in your community. A video clip - featuring an aspect of community life that interests you. For example, a youth club, a local campaign or a festival.
Learning Outcome 2 – Assignment You need to complete the following tasks in order to effectively create a working proposal for your client.. Examples of opening screens on games Storyboards Text Graphics Animated Animated titles Music accompaniment Suitability for purpose To achieve a pass grade: Candidates will produce a basic splash screen for your interactive product that locates your community within the world and leads to a navigation screen. To achieve a merit grade: Candidates will produce an effective animated splash screen for your interactive product that locates your community within the world and leads, through a link to a navigation screen. To achieve a distinction grade: Candidates will produce an effective animated splash screen for your interactive product that locates your community within the world and leads, through a hotspot link, to a navigation screen. 1
Learning Outcome 2 – Task 1 ‘One World’ looking to preview your work and production evidence to decide which proposal to showcase. Consider what makes a good intro screen for a company Consider how to make a design stand out and interesting. Consider The age and range of your target audience. Where the final splash screen will appear. Task 1 (P) - ‘One World’ would like you to design a splash screen for them that includes your community within the world. The splash screen should capable of being animated for the better grade therefor it will need to be of a good quality size and appropriate file format. The design should also indicate how to click to the navigation screen. 1 Create a series of annotated sketches for your splash screen and agree with your test buddy on the final design decision. Products you create should be well designed, include the company by-line and be capable of being used in multiple conditions.
Learning Outcome 2 – Task 2 ‘One World’ looking to preview your work and production evidence to decide which proposal to showcase. Splash Screen file for One World that is simple and easy to read. Saved as a PNG file format. File size is not too large Appropriate Splash Screen Agreed with your Test Buddy Effective design (M) Appeal to the target audience Animated (D) Task 2 (P, M, D) With the splash screen is agreed by your test buddy, you will need to make the finished product using an appropriate package. Evidence of the stages of creation and saving must be evident for the higher grades. The splash screen needs to stand out, be interesting and for the higher grades the finished version should be animated.. 2 Create a splash screen for your production, using text tools within a chosen application. Merit Create an animated Splash Screen for “One World” using tools within a chosen application. Distinction Create and animate a Splash Screen for “One World” that is vibnrant using tools within a chosen application.
Learning Outcome 2 – Task 3 ‘One World’ looking to preview your work and production evidence to decide which proposal to showcase. Sketches should show the linking location Background object should be interesting Should be easy to navigate Sketches should be accurate (M/D) Sketches should show how the menus change (M/D) Sketches should be detailed Annotated to explain changes (D) Task 3 (P, M, D) All interactive products like games have a menu system and navigation area that leads the viewer into sectors within the product. These usually include a sequence of buttons rollover hotspots and text and change according to what area the user wishes to go to. Click here, and here and here for three interactive menus. 3 Create and annotate 2 sketches for an interactive menu for your Showcase showing before and after movement. Merit Create and annotate 3 sketches for an interactive menu for your Showcase showing before , during and after movement. Distinction Create and annotate 4 sketches for an interactive menu for your Showcase showing before , during and after movement.
Learning Outcome 2 – Task 4 ‘One World’ looking to preview your work and production evidence to decide which proposal to showcase. Guide for navigation Breakdown of proposed steps Indication of transitions Realistic animation paths (M/D) Setting timings (M/D) Usable for other users (D) In keeping with the theme (D) Task 4 (P, M, D) Storyboards are like comic cells, they are created to outline to the art directors how a film, programme or animation is to be made, the times that are set and the kinds of movements that should be made from one scene to another. The storyboard should be used as an aid to making the animated introduction and should allow you to see how the animation should begin and end. Use the storyboards attached here (P) and here (M/D). Agree this with your test buddy and take notes on what has been discussed. 4 Create and annotate a storyboard for the navigation Screen links for your Showcase showing how you would like the menu to work. Merit Create and annotate a small and large storyboard for the navigation Screen links for your Showcase showing how you would like the menu to work Distinction Create and annotate a small and large storyboard for the navigation Screen links for your Showcase showing how you would like the menu to work including timings and movement directions.
Learning Outcome 2 – Task 5 ‘One World’ looking to preview portfolios of production evidence to decide which proposal to work with. Titles and appropriate background Interactive with rollovers Music that is timed Uses labels effectively (M/D) Theme based (M/D) Interesting and animated (D) Appeal to the Target Audience (D) Task 5 (P, M, D) It is time to start making the navigation Screen of your “One World” showcase. The navigation menu should be intuitive and should be in keeping with the storyboard from the previous task and with the theme set in your Purpose and Audience from LO1. Use whatever package available on your network to produce this, for instance Menu Maker, Flash, Serif Draw Plus, Movie Maker X5 or Mediator or other. The final version needs to have Titles, a background screen, Text, Links and Music for the grade. 5 Create an interactive Navigation Menu for “One World” that includes Titles, Links and Text. Merit Create an interactive Navigation Menu for “One World” that includes Titles, Links, Text and Music that is in keeping with your storyboard. Distinction Create an interactive Navigation Menu for “One World” that includes Titles, Links, Text and Music that is in keeping with your storyboard that appeals to the target audience.
Learning Outcome 2 – Task 6 ‘One World’ looking to preview portfolios of production evidence to decide which proposal to work with. File Format File dimensions Exporting as a video Quality in terms of file format (M/D) Size, reducing down for loading times and (M/D) Resolution in DPI (D) Compatibility with other programs D) Task 6 (P, M, D) Exporting the completed sequence into a format for later use is essential. You will need two versions, one that you can work on again in case you need to change it and one that will need to go on to the final version of your portfolio work. Acceptable portfolio file formats include .wmv, .avi, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, H.264, .swf, and .flv. Each of these has different characteristics. To reduce down potential longer term problems you should save the file in the best format with the best quality, .avi but if this is restricted, save it in one of the other formats listed. 6 Evidence exporting of your Navigation Screen and Splash Screens in an appropriate file format. Merit Evidence exporting of your Navigation Screen and Splash Screens in an appropriate file format and Explain why you chose that file format in terms of size and quality. Distinction Evidence exporting of your Navigation Screen and Splash Screens in an appropriate file format and Explain why you chose that file format including resolution, format and compatibility.
LO2 – Assessment (P, M, D) Task Activities Student Staff LO2: Be able to prepare an animated Opening Sequence 1(P) Create a series of annotated sketches for your splash screen and agree with your test buddy on the final design decision. 2(P/M/D) Create a splash screen for your production, using text tools within a chosen application. Used By-Line (M) Animated (D) 3(P/M/D) Create and annotate 2 sketches for an interactive menu for your Showcase showing before and after movement. Before and After (P) 3 Sketches of Before, during and after movement (M/D) 4 sketches of Before, During and After. movement (D) 4(P/M/D) Create and annotate a storyboard for the navigation Screen links for your Showcase showing how you would like the menu to work. Storyboard Small and large storyboard (M/D) Small and large storyboard with movements and timings (D) 5(P/M/D) Create an interactive Navigation Menu for “One World” that includes Titles, Links and Text. Titles, Motion, Text and Music in keeping with your theme (M) Appeal to the target audience (D) 6(P/M/D) Evidence exporting of your Navigation Screen and Splash Screens in an appropriate file format. Annotate Explain size and quality (M) Explain resolution, format and compatibility (D)