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Presentation transcript:

School Discipline and Attendance (SDA): Calculating Attendance Data for Online Schools

Agenda SDA Collection Basics Attendance Data File – In Detail Reporting Attendance Data for Online Schools Additional Resources

SDA Collection Basics

Why is data required? 22-11-503 (3)(c): The information shall be consistent for each type of report and, at a minimum, shall include the occurrence of each of the following types of incidents, expressed as a number and as a percentage of the total occurrences of all of the incidents 22-32-109.1(2)(b)(IV) The number of conduct and discipline code violations…only in the most serious category that is applicable to that violation including to specific information on the number of and the action taken with respect to the following types of incidents

CDE Uses of Data School View Data Center – all data is published by school for the public to review Provided to the U.S. Department of Education Provided for various data requests – media, researchers, legislatures and advocates

2016-17 Timeline Date Event May 3rd (Wednesday) Collection Opens May 9th (Tuesday) Webinar Training May 15th (Monday) May 23rd (Tuesday) Attendance Webinar Training June 22nd (Friday) Suggested Date for having No Reportable Incidents tab updated June 9th (Friday) Suggested Date for having at least 1 file uploaded June 16th (Friday) Suggested Date for having all files uploaded June 23rd (Friday) Suggested Date for having all files error free June 30th (Friday) Suggested Date to have SDA data finalized July 12th (Wednesday) Deadline for SDA to be finalized

Identity Management Roles To have access to the SDA periodic collection, one of the following 3 roles would need to be assigned to you by your Local Access Manager: If you plan to ‘do it all’ – you will want the SDA~LEA Approver Role IdM Role Enables User to: SDA~LEAAPPROVER Finalize, Submit, Modify and View Data SDA~LEAUSER Submit, Modify and View Data SDA~LEAVIEWER View Data

Summary of the 4 SDA Files: Discipline by Action file Count of INCIDENTS (Behaviors) per school Reported by Behavior and Action Taken 1 record per school per behavior type Discipline by Student Demographic Count of STUDENTS Reported by action taken and demographics of the students’ disciplined 1 record per school and student demographic type Firearm (GFSA) Discipline Count of Firearm Possessions per school Reported by action taken for each firearm possession Attendance Data Reported by Student Demographic and School

Attendance Data File – In Detail

Attendance Data File First, Data is categorized and reported by Student Demographic information: Ethnicity/Race Gender IDEA/Special Education Section 504 Status ELL Status Homeless Attendance Attendance Data

Attendance Data Second, each subgroup of students would have reported the following: Total Days Attended Total Days Excused Total Days Unexcused Total Days Possible Attendance Number of students habitually truant four or more days in a month Number of students habitually truant ten or more days in a school year Number of students habitually truant for both conditions listed above Number of Students with Chronic Absenteeism Attendance

Attendance Data File: Relationship Equation Student Total Days Attended Student Total Days Excused Absent Student Total Days Unexcused Absent Student Total Days Possible Decimal point is implied for all of these values. Example: Student Total Days Attended reported as 5005 is reflected as 500.5 days. Attendance

Habitually Truant Definition 22-33-107(3)(I): A child who has attained the age of six years on or before August 1 of the year in question and is under the age of seventeen years and who has four unexcused absences from public school in any one month or ten unexcused absences from public school during any school year. Absences due to suspension or expulsion of a child are considered excused absences for purposes of this subsection. Attendance

Habitually Truant Counts 3 fields capture this required data: Truancy: Four or more days in any one calendar month Truancy: Ten or more days in one school year Truancy: Met both conditions Students are to be reported in only 1 category per school as applicable Attendance

Reporting Habitually Truancy Example 1 count of Truancy: 4 or more Days in one calendar month Unexcused Absences for Sally in March. (Total Unexcused Absences in the School year is less than 10) Attendance

Reporting Habitually Truancy Example Month # Unexcused Absences for Shirley Aug Sept 1 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March 2 April May 4 TOTAL 10 1 count of Truancy: Met Both Conditions Attendance

Chronically Absent Definition The unduplicated count of students absent 10% or more of the days enrolled in the public school year during the school year. A student is absent if he or she is not physically on school grounds and is not participating in instruction or instruction –related activities at an approved off-grounds location for the school day. Chronically absent students include students who are absent for any reason (e.g., illness, suspension, the need to care for a family member), regardless of whether absences are excused or unexcused. This count would include students in grades K-12. Attendance

Examples of Calculating Chronically Absent Status Student # Days Possible (enrolled) # Days Attended # Days Excused Absent # Days Unexcused Absent Total Days Absent Total Days Absent/ Days Possible Chronically Absent? Alligator 176 135 24 17 41 23.30% Y Bear 123 111 9 3 12 9.76% N Cat 54 44 10 18.52% Dog 118 117 1 0.85% Elephant 97 92 2 5 5.15% Frog 145 101 38 6 30.34% Giraffe 167 128 33 39 23.35% Horse 175 168 4 7 4.00% Iguana 177 164 11 13 7.34% Attendance

Attendance Reports Available in Cognos Attendance and Truancy Data Attendance and Truancy Rates by School Habitually Truant Student Counts by School Number of Students with Chronic Absenteeism by School (NEW) Average Daily Attendance (ADA) by School (NEW) Calculated by taking Total Number of Days Attended divided by Length of School Year Attendance by Race/Ethnicity (NEW) Provides same data as Attendance and Truancy Data Report; including the Race/Ethnicity and Gender of the students by School Attendance

Reporting Attendance Data for Online Schools

Overview ALL online schools are required to report accurate student attendance and truancy data Every online school should have consistent, authorizer-approved participation/attendance and truancy policies and procedures that are communicated to parents, students, and teachers

Methods utilized Onsite attendance at a physical location (sometimes combined with online logins) Coursework completion (daily or weekly requirements) Daily student login Attendance hours entered by parent/learning coach that matches progress and work completed

Methods for Tracking Attendance Some different methods that may be used for recording attendance, depending on the school model: Minimum Login Time Requirements Specific Task Completion for a Give Time Period Minimum Lesson/Unit Completion Requirements Maybe change to “Some methods”

1) Minimum Login Time Requirements Establish a minimum amount of time that must be spent logged in to coursework per day or week Simplest option- most similar to attendance tracking at a brick-and-mortar school May be entered into an SIS on a daily basis Does not allow for flexibility for students unable to meet minimum number of hours or account for work completed offline

1) Minimum Login Time Requirements EXAMPLE Online School A: 180 days in calendar schedule determines students must log in at least 20 hours/week, which would be 4 hours per day Calculating Total Days Possible: Based on Student Enrollment Example: 300 students enrolled; 300*180 = 54,000 days possible Calculating # Days Attended: By week for each student, then summed for school Example: Student “Alfa” completes 16 hours in week 1; this equates to 5*(16/20) = 4 days in attendance and 1 day absent (either excused or unexcused depending on school policy) for week 1.

2) Specific Task Completion for a Given Time Period Mandating students complete a series of regularly scheduled tasks on a daily or weekly basis If the student completes all the required tasks during the set time, they are in attendance If the student does not complete all tasks, then they are not in attendance or partially in attendance Tasks may include, but not limited to: Contacting the teacher via phone or email Participating in discussion thread Attending virtual tutoring session/webinar Submitting specific assignment

2) Specific Task Completion for a Given Time Period EXAMPLE Online School B determines student must participate in the following: Discussion Thread (20%) Respond to teacher emails/phone calls (25%) Attend synchronous class session (25%) Submit homework assignments by the end of the week (30%) Each task is weighted as indicated Student “Bravo” did all except for attend the class session in Week 1. For a 5 day/week schedule: 5*(0.2+0.25+0.3) = 3.75 days attended for week 1 1.25 days absent (excused or unexcused)

3) Minimum Lesson/Unit Completion Requirements Provides most flexibility Assignments completed become the evidence the student was in attendance If no work is produced, then the student is considered absent If all work is produced, the student is considered in attendance Timeline must be established for completion of work

3) Minimum Lesson/Unit Completion Requirements EXAMPLE Online School C determines a student must complete 20 lessons per week (4/day) for 100% attendance Calculation similar to hours per week requirement Student “Charlie” completes 18 lessons in Week 1. Calculating Days Attended would equal to 5*(18/20) = 4.5 days attended and 0.5 days absent for week 1

Implementation There is flexibility in choosing which method will be utilized by each school Weekly timeline is recommended to capture required data: Habitually Truant - 4 days in one month Habitually Truant - 10 days in the school year Habitually Truant – both conditions Once method and criteria is determined, the online school and authorizer must determine how to quantify the attendance so that it may be reported to CDE within the SDA collection

Reporting Attendance Regardless of internal methods, the following metrics must be calculated and reported for each school by student demographics: Total Days Attended Total Days Excused Total Days Unexcused Total Days Possible Attendance Number of students habitually truant four or more days in a month Number of students habitually truant ten or more days in a school year Number of students habitually truant for both conditions listed above Number of Students with Chronic Absenteeism

Available Resources

Additional Resources Calculating Attendance in Online Schools SDA Business Rule Additional Guidance SDA Frequently Asked Questions SDA Process Document  Behavior Statutes and Clarifications  Guide for Determining Most Serious Incidents 2016-17 Summary of Updates  2017-2018 Summary of Updates  2017-2018 School Discipline and Attendance Review of Updates (PPTX) 

Contact Information Annette Severson (303) 866-6824